Seonghwa - The Arsonist

Start from the beginning

"I'm not fully following," he replied, scratching his head confusingly.

Exhaling loudly, you wipe the chopped strawberries off the knife and set it down on the chopping board to join Seonghwa in the chair right next to him. This is going to be a lot to explain, you say to yourself.

Your relationship with the boys was complex. explaining your sexual relationships with one another was practically like explaining directions to a maze with no exit, especially when trying to explain the kinks that others had.

Partially Seonghwa was the worst one to try and explain things too. Though it's been a year since you've come into the family, he stayed cautious with you in bed. The boys all had their kinks and surely had no trouble showing them to you, Seonghwa...seonghwa was the opposite.

You weren't even sure he had any kinks.

"What I'm trying to say is, when it comes to activities in the bedroom, I trust him with my body fully. I'm not mad at the bite because I knew he wasn't biting out of anger against me. And even in his full rage mode, I know he'd never hurt me intentionally. That's the trust we share with each other."

"We explore each other. Set the bounds, set the rules, and we compromise on everything. He owns my body, and I own his. That's how our relationship and trust in each other works," you explain carefully.

"So, do you share that same trust with all of us?" Seonghwa ponders, tone slightly hushed. Inwardly you were slightly perplexed. You never really voiced out your trust with each member, well excluding Joong. You felt they could all silently feel it- hmm maybe that's why.

"I would've been on the next plane to a deserted island if I didn't trust you all like that, specially with Mingi's kinky ass," you snicker, about to get up to return to your previous tasks, but Seonghwa's hand stops you.

"Hwa?" you question.

"The boys won't be back till tomorrow, so will you trust me tonight?" he smiles softly.

Heat rises up to your cheeks in embarrassment; it was such a formal and endearing way to ask for that. "Y-yeah..." you stutter out, almost choking from how dry your mouth had suddenly become.

Seonghwa beams up from his seat with excitement, "I won't let you down!" he exclaims, kissing your hand affectionately before skipping out the kitchen with giddy.

Weird, you thought to yourself, finally getting back to your poor unfinished smoothie.


"Did he just skip out of the kitchen like an anime school girl?!"


The day went by in a flash. The last time you had checked the clock it was 9 am, rechecking it, it was now 11 pm. You spent the day cleaning the mess Hongjoong had made of the bedroom and online shopping for new bedroom furniture.

Though the house had no shortage of maids that could've easily cleaned up the disaster Hongjoong had caused, no one but you and him were allowed in his room."I merely feel like my space should be private to us alone," was Hongjoongs explanation. You understood what he was saying, but cleaning that room was an absolute pain in the ass.

Currently, you were lounging around on the living room couch as a random movie played in the background. It was getting closer and closer to 12, and yet, there was no sign of Seonghwa.

After the breakfast fiasco, he disappeared. You didn't see him at all around the house, not even a glimpse. You figured he ran off somewhere, but when you asked the guards if he left or where he went, they stifled from answering.

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