3. shivers

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Outpost 3 was the worst place you had ever visited. There were some nice girls, but most of them weren't. Also the head, ms Venable, was the most awful person ever. You knew there was probably a reason for the way she behaved, but you were too annoyed to care. That was until this one night. You had to go to Venables room for not behaving, you had physically fought with another purple, and Venable was having none of it. She had slapped you, screamed at you and then sent you to your room. So now, after not eating dinner as a punishment , you made your way through the boring halls towards her room. You arrived and raised your hand to knock, but you noticed that her door was opened a bit already. You couldn't help but look, and you were shocked when you saw her. She had let her hair loose and she was crying. All of her papers were on the floor and she was leaning against the table in fetal position. Your heart broke a little, not knowing she had this side in her. You waited a little bit, and when it seemed like she wasn't going to move any time soon you spoke up.

"Ms Venable?" you said softly. She shot up, her eyes trying to find a way out of this situation. She tried to stand up, supporting herself on the table but she fell back down.

"OUT Y/N, GET OUT!" she screamed, panic forming in her eyes. She crawled around, throwing papers back on her desk, desperately trying to seem pulled together.

"Venable-" you started but she interrupted you.

"y/n, i'm serious. Get out, or no food tomorrow." she replied with a cold tone to her voice.

"I don't care about food, i'd rather not eat. What i care about is if you're ok." you replied with a concerned look on your face. She didn't respond, so you walked over and sat down next to her.

"Talk to me, i won't judge you." you said softly. She looked at you, tears forming in her eyes. You put your hand on her cheek and pulled her into a hug as she broke down. You calmed her down as much as you could, rubbing her back gently. You accidentally touched a part of her lower spine and she squirmed.

"Venable, look at me. Are you ok? You can tell me, i promise." you said, looking in her eyes. She sighed, and swallowed trying not to cry. "I can't talk to you about this, y/n. It's not your problem, i have it under control.

"For god sakes Venable, you don't always have to be in control! Relax please, i want to take your problems away but i can't help if you refuse any human contact!" you said.

She was completely blown away by you. Her mouth half open, her eyebrows tilted, tears forming in her eyes. You immediately regretted the way you spoke to her. You coughed, and continued.

"I'm sorry, but it's true. You can't continue hiding, Venable. You can't keep bottling up your emotions and keeping them all to yourself. I care about you, now please tell me what's going on, why you were crying and why you squirmed." you said. Venable started crying again, seeking for your embrace. You opened your arms and she crawled into them. After some minutes of you carefully rubbing her back and her head, she finally spoke up.

"It's my back, y/n." she whispered. You looked at her. "What about your back?" you said softly. She looked away, but you cupped her cheek, giving her just enough comfort to continue. "I have scoliosis." your eyes widened. "You do?" She sighed. "Yes." You were a bit hesitant to ask the next question, but you decided to do it anyway. You really wanted to show her her worth. "Can- can i see it?" you asked. She looked in your eyes. "Yeah fine." she said and you unzipped the top of her dress, letting it fall off her shoulders. You gasped a little at the sight of her curved spine, all sorts of bruises surrounding it. You let your fingers run over her spine, causing her to shiver slightly. You zipped her dress back up and turned her around.

"You can run away now, it's ok, i'm used to it." she said with a sad expression on her face. You scoffed. "Why would i run away?" you said. "That's what they all do." she replied, whispering. Your heart broke, so thats why. Why she was so cold, never showing anything. "Venable-" you began, but she cut you off. "Call me Wilhelmina, please." you smiled. "Wilhelmina, i'm so so sorry. You don't deserve that. No one does. Your back isn't an excuse for people to run away. You are beautiful, do you hear me?" she looked at you. "You really think so?" she replied, and you thought you saw a tear in the corner of her eye. You smiled. "Yes, yes i do. I promise no one will hurt you again, i won't leave you." you said, as you hugged her again. "Thank you y/n, thats all i ever needed to hear."

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Yesss another soft Mina because she's my fav 🥺

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