Entering the birds nest. Cyborgs P.O.V

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I entered Robin's room and looked around only to find him sleeping without his mask?!

"I thought he never took that thing off!"I muttered to himself as Robin shift is in his sleep I flinched, But kept walking towards his desk and wonder. Scattered on his desk or variety of photos, old newspaper clippings, letters, and files on people I had never even heard of.

"Why would he have those?" I asked myself quietly

(Robin POV again...)

I woke at 11 AM that day, which wasn't bad thing for me on a normal day I woke up at 5 AM and trained for a few hours, anyways not the point, he slowly woke up realizing that he had no mask on he side and opened his dark sapphire blue eyes, Only to see cyborg looking at everything that lied scattered across my desk.

I set up quickly snatching the sunglasses that lives near Buy on my nightstand. Fumbling to put on my glasses I caught cyborg's attention. I looked at cyborg.

"what do you think you're doing?!" I asked, no, yelled ,now standing.

"Uh-erm-I-I..." Cyborg stuttered at a loss for words.

"I'm waitingfor an actual answer cyborg." I said adding a batglare for effect.

"okay! Okay!... The team and I were worried for you because you always are the first one octave and you never sleep in... Plus you haven't come out your room in the last few days even though you say you're working on a Slade case." Cyborg stated while getting quieter by the end of this explanation.

"so that explains why you were so curious to go through my files on my desk!?" I said raising my voice once again.

"listen. Dude. We-" cyborg be in the say something before Robin cut them off.

"No you listen! This is personal! Okay?! I have a secret identity! Unlike you guys, and with that I can't explain anything that seems off about me. Got it?" I explained rather bitterly.

"fine, whatever. Reminds me never to try and help you again." And with that cyborg left the room.

(Reg. POV)

"so how it go?" Beast boy asked enthusiastically

"Bad Robin told me to stay out of his business but, I did get his..."

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