The Kiss

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"Are you sure you know where Jennie is?" Lisa asks.

"Yes? Not 100 percent sure though." she bites her lower lip.

"What!?!" Lisa's voice echoed in the car.

"Yaahhhh! Lalisa! You almost broke my eardrums." Jisoo scolded her girlfriend who's in the back seat.
She looks at Chae and asks, "Where do you think Jennie is?"

"I also don't know unnie. But I have a feeling that we will find her there. She told me to listen to what my heart says, and I am doing it now."

"Well, I do trust your judgments, so I really hope we will be able to see Jennie today." Jisoo declared.

Silence fell inside the car. All of them are having their own thoughts.

"You might wanna sleep for a while because the travel will take hours from here," Chae suggested to the couple.

"I wish I could cuddle with my girlfriend right now," Lisa whispers to herself, but Chae's ears did hear that. She pulls the car over to the right and steps on the brake pedal.

"Waee?" Jisoo asks. She had no idea why Chae suddenly pulled the car over.

"I think your girlfriend misses you, so go, sleep on the back seat," Chae answered.

"Are you sure you can handle this?"

"Naee unnie, I can handle this. Lisa needs you." she winked at her and Jisoo mouthed okay, and did what she was told.

"Thanks, Chipmunksé, you da best!" Lisa commented and immediately placed a soft kiss on Jisoo's lips. "I missed you," she whispers to her ear and buried her face into her neck.

"I missed you more, baby. Now sleep. We have a long trip ahead of us." she kissed Lisa's forehead and her eyes went closed as if it was on cue. "Please don't hesitate to wake me up when you got tired of driving," she said to Chae.

"Don't worry about me and just sleep. Look at Lisa, she's already snoring." they both laugh when they heard her say, "I don't snore." and immediately went back to sleep.

"Yeah, we will just pretend that we didn't hear you." Chae retaliated and looks at Jisoo with a very sounding command, "sleep". Jisoo didn't try to disobey any longer.

She looks at the mirror and her lips automatically formed a smile when she saw how they've found peace in each other's arms. She's a fan of the couple. If a fans club will be built for them, she will be the President. She loves them both, she loves how they bicker, yet are still able to show their love for each other.

She remembered how Jisoo went extra anxious the moment she realized that she's in love with Lisa. During that time, Lisa was dating the ace of their basketball team.

She remembered that particular time when Jisoo had a panic attacked because Lisa was teasing or kissing her. She runs away from Lisa just to hide her embarrassment.

Jisoo's consciousness towards Lisa grew stronger, until the moment when she cannot handle her jealousy anymore. It was the day when Lisa was supposed to make everything official with Sehun, the ace of their basketball team. Jisoo totally lost it.

She forced Jennie and Chae to drink with her. And being her friends, they obliged. Jisoo was not a heavy drinker, in fact, she haven't had any traces of alcohol in her blood since birth. That was maybe the reason why she easily got drunk with just a bottle of soju.

Jisoo confessed about her growing affection towards Lisa before she passed out.

"I feel so stupid for falling for her. She's dating someone, and she's one of my best friends, for Pete's sake!" she confessed out loud.

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