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You get into joshes car and just burst into tears

J- omg y/n what's happened
Y- Taylor and mom said they would kick me out if I step out of line one more time and ondreaz lied to Taylor saying I called him a piece of shit which I didn't and I miss my dad an-
J- hey hey hey look at me your mom would never kick you out if the house she loves you and just ignore ondreaz we all know he is just jealous of how popular you are ok?
Y- ok
J- love you monkey
Y- love you too lover boy

You and josh hug for a minute or two then he puts on juice wrld and starts driving to school whilst you sit there vibing.

When you get to school you and josh go to your first period and sit at the back. You are both talking until the teacher walks in and starts to take attendance. Once she has done that she moves on to talking about fractions and how you had homework due today.

Y- omg I have forgotten my homework shit josh I am gonna get detention then Taylor will kick me out I am dead
J- take mine I haven't put my name on it so take mine
Y- why I can't do that you will get detention
J- better me than you
Y- omg that you so much josh I owe you
J- np
T- y/n homework?
Y- yes miss
T- josh homework?
J- no miss sorry
T- detention after school

The lesson carry's on and you and josh just talk and do the work. The rest of the day goes on like usual.

~Skip to the end of the day~

You are walking to volleyball practice when you saw ondreaz

Y- ondreaz!
O- what?!
Y- tell my mom I will be late home tonight because of volleyball practice please
O- hmmm what's in it for me
Y- ummm what you thinking
O- $30
O-$20 is my final offer
Y- ugh fine take it

You hand ondreaz the $20 and head to volleyball practice. After volleyball practice you call josh to see if he has left detention as it should have ended by now and he says he was just getting in his car so you quickly run and catch up with him and get a ride home.

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