Date pt1

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Y/n's pov

Me and jaden left to get into his car. As I got in I got a message from tony telling us where to go. We put the restaurant in google maps and drove there. Once we got there we saw a fancy 5 star restaurant. We walked in and the waitress showed us where our table was. When we got to the table tony and his date where already there. It was a bit awkward as instead of just waiting and talking they were making out in front of us. We both just looked at each other really awkwardly. Finally they stopped after they saw us stood there.

T- oh hiya guys you made it!
Y- hi tony
T- so this must be your boyfriend!
J- hello I'm jaden you must be tony!
T- that I am and this is my date, Nikita
N- hey!
Y&J- hi

You guys sat down at the table and just sat there awkwardly until the waitress came over.

W- hi I am Kelly and I will be your waitress for tonight what drinks may I get you?
T- can I have a beer
N- vodka and lime for me
Y- rose wine please
J- just a water for me
T- only a water?!
J- yeah I am driving so I better not have anything
K- anything else to drink?
T- no thank you
K- ok I will be over with them soon
Y- umm I am gonna go to the bathroom Nikita do you wanna come as well?
N- sure let's go

~jaden pov~

When we got to the restaurant we met up with this boy and girl, I guessed they were tony and his date. Whilst we were ordering out drinks and just awkwardly sitting there I could see tony kept staring at y/n's boobs which, even though I am not even her boyfriend, made me jealous.
After the drinks had been ordered Nikita and y/n went off to the bathroom which just left me and tony. We were sat there for about 45 seconds until tony said something

T- right now you better stay away from y/n she mine and she loves me not you!
J- umm what?!
T- you heard me she doesn't love you, she loves me!!
J- psh ok mate
T- excuse me! I am not your "mate"!
J- ok then bro
T- or "bro"
J- whatever tony
T- ugh shut it the girls are coming act natural

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