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sweet like honey (tasted like money) | 27.7.20

I remember you were sitting there, honey,
like you didn't have a thing to lose.
I remember all the smiles, all the small-talk,
all the big white lies and their razor-sharp teeth.

Your eyes, they held mine,
they told me you were fallin' from the minute I met you
and I believed them.

I remember the screaming, the crying, the kissing in the rain.
You told me, honey, we could have it all:
"If only you'd listen, if only you'd let me.
If only you gave me your heart, your soul and everything in between."

I remember the late nights, lover,
the nights you never came home.
You'd dance around my mind,
whilst dining in your palace and on your throne.

I remember that bar, those leather shoes,
your blue eyes.

I remember you sitting there, honey,
like you weren't made of money,
like you were there just to have a good time.
I was your fool, the toy in your twisted game,
and you played me like you played them.

But you kissed me like I meant more to you than your Gucci suit,
like it was me that was on your mind, not your next holiday destination.
You held me like you could never tire of holding me,
you loved me like you would love me forever.

You looked at me- in that bar, in that taxi, in your two story penthouse,
like I was your favourite art piece,
like you could actually love anything besides yourself.

And I believed you.

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