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Your Ocean Eyes | 1.4.18

it was never gonna work out.
Me and you.

You were always going to be a lifetime away
and I was always going to be impatient.

You were always going to be flawed and imperfect
and I was always gonna be so fucking optimistic.

you could've never loved me.
Not the way I loved you.

You promised me your starry nights and peach lips.
You promised me your life, your future.

I guess you must really suck at keeping 'em.

I should've walked out the second you walked in.
I should've never seen your eyes

and they should've never glistened such a deep, deep blue.
I should've run when I felt those waves 

but your ocean eyes promised,
oh, how they promised.

I Stayed BehindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora