Throw Up

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I am holding on for dear life. My dad's hand is getting sweaty, and I don't think I can hold on any longer. My mom pulls out her wand.

"Aresto Momentum!" The cart slows down, but I'm still dangling from the cart, "Wingardium Leviosa!"

I'm floating now. It's the worst feeling in the world, at least for me it is. I'm very nauseous right now, and I don't know how much time I have before I throw up. I'm floating to the cart. I think I have 5 seconds before I throw up!

I'm still nowhere near the cart
A little closer
Even closer
No! Lily bumped into her!
There's no way I can hold it.
There I am, hovering in the air throwing up all over myself. Mom and dad are trying not to laugh, but James doesn't care. He's laughing so hard he could be peeing his pants. Lily looks terrified. And the goblin. We'll have to figure out later.

We quickly got our money and went to the head goblin. We told him the situation, he doesn't look happy. He got out of his chair and examined me. Head to toe, all over. I guess he had that scowl look on his face because of the throw up. I really don't care though.

"He looks fine to me." Says the goblin in a 'I don't have time for this crap' tone.

I just want to get out of here. But what about the throw up that my shirt soaks in? Hopefully my mom will have an idea. She always has ideas. We get out of there and go to the public toilets. My mom hands me a sweatshirt and tells me to change into it. I nod and run into the stall. Practically tripping over my feet. I take off my shirt to find it went through my shirt. I Albus Severus Potter, smell like throw up, I Shake my head and pull over the sweatshirt. Then when I look into the mirror, I realize it's pink and has unicorns on it. I can't imagine what the other witches and wizards are going to say about it.

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