Who are these People?

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Authors note: hi! I might start doing an a authors note in the beginning of the chapters. Sorry this chapter is SUPER short. I just did the rest of my homework (whoops). Next chapter maybe out tomorrow, but that's tentative. Enjoy! ~Aly
I wake,wet, on the floor. It's not soothing... I feel my head. It burns.
"How long was I out?" I ask the people around me. They look at me like I'm crazy. "Um. Sweetie, you were only out for thirty minutes." Says a grown woman with ginger hair. "Who are you? Who am I?" They look bewildered. I can't remember much after that, just blacking out. When I wake up I hear something. I open my eyes to find myself on the floor again. The woman murmurs something and points a stick at me. I black out instantly.
I wake on a hard floor. Mum, dad, Lily, and James are surrounding me with worried looks on their faces.
"What are you looking at?" I'm annoyed slightly "Mum! Dad! Lily! James! Stop!"
Their worried faces are now relived. "Am I going to miss the train?"
"No, Albus, it's only been an hour." Says Lily.
"Good, I don't want to be late." I'm relieved.

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