chapter six ; "the spider."

Comincia dall'inizio

Lightly, Mani hit her sister on the arm, glowering, "I am not as naive as you may think!" she folded her arms, a cross brow on her face. 

"Oh my! There's peacock outside!" Eyva cried, aiming with her finger the acclaimed occasion. 

Instantly, Mani stood, face looking closely to the window, "Where?"

"Nowhere," Jenny told Mani, who sat back down, realising she had been proved wrong - "Don't be mean Eyva."

Laughing, Eyva turned to her older sister, "It's not mean, Jen, it's called proving a point." 

"Well I don't like it!" the youngest girl snapped back, leaning into her seat, "As punishment, you can help the handmaidens pack away my clothes!"

Snarkiliy, Eyva looked at her younger sister seriously, "And who's going to make me do that?"

"Me, actually," Jenny answered for her younger sibling, "You two can both help pack eachother's clothes away," she told them, "Then freshen up, you're both staying in royal residence - you need to look your best if you want to marry well." 

The carriage stopped, they were there, outside the keep, at last - no more travelling. Jenny was delighted, but the small quarrel wasn't over yet. "How come you don't need to do all of this?" asked Eyva, scowling with her plum coloured lips. 

A Daemadar soldier opened the carriage door, quickly placing a footstool down for the Daemadar sisters to step onto. Jenny stood up pacily, a cheeky grin on her face, "Because I'm Father's favourite."

With those party words, Jenny elegantly stepped out of the carriage; her pale orange dress billowing behind her. Though the dress wouldn't be what the handmaidens usually chose, it was appropriate for the occasion - that she would be attending the small council meeting, despite not being able to say anything. That's what her father told her to do anyway, not that she would actually stick to it - Jenny was very vocal, she would say what she thought. So the other week, when Jenny actively avoided Jaime Lannister; it was a first. 

Silently, Jenny approached her father, who stood near to the carriage - he gave his daughter an acute hug, "Wait here, for Lord Stark, I need to meet with the spider before hand,"  Valtheos instructed, to which his daughter nodded, watching him walk away. 

The Baratheon's arrived shortly, rolling into the yard quickly - all members hurriedly scurrying in the direction of the Keep. This included Jaime Lannister and her brother, Anthor actively avoided her harsh gaze - whilst the Kingslayer looked directly at Jenny, unbothered.  Jenny thought she couldn't intimidate the white cloak if she tried even her hardest; but really, Jaime hated the way she was looking at him, her icy gaze full of revulsion. 

The Starks arrived soon after, Jenny watching, her heart warm as she watched Mani drag Eyva over to the two wolf children - Arya was least impressed, conversing with Eyva; whilst Mani and Sansa talked happily, most likely about getting married or birthing children. Honestly, the oldest Daemadar sister couldn't be more cheery about the fact that neither of her siblings were marrying the future king - it was a great relief. Even so, Jenny pitied Lord Stark; she knew he didn't want this for his oldest child, neither did Lady Stark. 

Eddard was still wearing his riding gear, the southern sun aging him by years as he walked across the dust ridden yard. "Lady Jenny," the northener acknowledged, "Your Lord father told me you would be attending the small council meeting, where is he?"

Smiling warmly, Jenny answered his question, "My father has some dealings with the spider," she moved another detached strand behind her ear, "He thought it best that I wait for you, seems like we'll be accompanying each other Lord Stark."

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