Following where the smell led to, Y/n carefully opened one last door.

The last room must've been a feeding room, judging by the half-eaten souls strewn about, the various claw marks plaguing the walls and blood staining the floor.

The most powerful wave of stench yet had hit Y/n in the face like a full force punch. His pupils dilated, lungs constricted and stomach threatened to jump out of his body. Out of everything the Sin of Greed had ever had the pleasure or displeasure of smelling, this was by far the worst thing ever, even more worse than the smell of Modeus' sex dungeon.

With the speed of light itself, Y/n slammed the door shut and ran out of the house, his lungs finally letting him breathe again. How Cerberus was able to bear that smell when her smelling sense was stronger than his, he would never know.

Free of the god-awful smell, Y/n was left with only one thing on his mind. A question.

The gatekeeper wasn't home, so where were they?

It was a very high possibility that they were off guarding the entrance, but then that would mean he would have to travel all the way to the end of Gluttony...through the mud...again...

Yeah, there was no way he was going out again.

With great hesitation and the full force of his willpower, Y/n strode back inside. He was not going to just wait outside with the company of pigs, after all.

As Y/n sat on the pile of pillows, tapping his foot impatiently, he decided to give the person who gave him this task a little call. He reached into his trusty pocket and whipped out a cell phone. He quickly punched in a set of numbers and waited as it rang.

"Hello? Who is this?" Lucifer's voice said through the device.

"Heya Lucy, it's me," he replied, voice slightly different since he was pinching his nose with the other hand.

"Y/n? What do you want? Have you found Cerberus yet?"

"Well, that's what I'm calling about. Haven't found them just yet, so I'm just waiting in their little man-cave right now. In the case that they don't come back for a while, where could I find them?"

"Have you checked outside? They could be out hunting, or maybe they're out by the entrance."

"I refuse to go back out there," Y/n hissed at the phone. "I was asking just in case. I'd rather stay inside with the putrid smell of decaying bodies than be out with the company of pigs, rain and mud."

"Oh stop being a drama queen. I'm the only queen allowed here." Lucifer laughed a little at her own joke.

"Oh, how funny," Y/n deadpanned. "Do you want a cookie for that amazing joke?"

To his frustration, Lucifer took that offer seriously. "That doesn't sound like a bad idea actually."

"Wait, I wasn't being serious-" before he could finish, he was cut off by Lucifer yelling out, "I demand chocolate chip cookies with milk!"

In the background, another voice replied, "As you wish."

The phone was silent for a few moments.

A few seconds later and she was back on, the sound of munching loud and clear. Y/n impassively stared at his phone. "Did you actually just do that?"

"Indeed, and I have to say, these cookies are exquisite, just simply divine," she moaned as she took a bite and gooey chocolate flowed into her mouth.

Y/n just sat there stone-faced as Lucifer moaned with each bite she took. This went on for about five minutes before Y/n finally decided he had enough and just hung up on her.

Good To Be Greedy || Helltaker x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now