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{Y/n P.O.V}

"Umika-chan... Why?" Sakuya said, "Sorry not sorry boi, but we have to take our treasure now~" I said with a smirk, "Our treasure?" Keiichiro asked me. "That VS changer, and Keisatsu changers of 'yours' are Ours!" Ryuna growled.

"You've been warned. We're taking your treasure!" Kairi warned

<Time skip because to much fighting>

"Toma! You are badly injured! Please! Just... Listen to me..." You mumbled with tears in your eyes
"Phantom Thief's return! Adieu~!" Kairi shouted, we grappled hook building to building and arrived at Kogure's house, "Kogure help! Toma is badly injured!" I panicked, i didn't like Toma's state.

<Mini time skippy>

We are now sitting in the lounge area, Kogure has gone somewhere... I don't know where exactly... But oh well...

"So, are we all going to go back to our life style after getting those police's Lupin collection?" I asked out of the blue, "Even though we wont be phantom thief's anymore..." i sadly continued.

"Now, i would like to ask you all, do you like being phantom thief's?" Kogure asked, we jumped except Noël and Toma, "Well, if you ask me i enjoy being phantom moon" Ryuna smiled to herself, "I enjoy being Lupin scarlet" i said, and stared at Toma. "Becoming Lupin Red and tricking the police was fun indeed" Kairi joined in "Being Lupin yellow was my most beautiful memory" Umika continued "I enjoy being Lupin blue" Toma said with a smirk on his face, "I would still become Lupin X either way" Noël joined the chain.

[I don't really know who Noël was trying to bring back... So i'll assume it's Arsene Lupin and now he's back and somehow not dead]

"I have talked to MR. Arsene Lupin and you could continue being Phantom thief's... But not thief's of the Lupin Collection... But the ________ Collection..."

The end~ or is it...?

What do you think? I am going to write the second book, unless you don't want me to... Anyway! This is the end of thi book 😊

Stay gold, adieu~

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