Her little green world

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(Hello everyone if you have seen part 10 then you know there are challenge going to be set up, and if you're wandering why it is because I'm stopping the story and no it is not mine I just want to give some respect to the creator by putting it here and there will be daily challenges going on so if you just want to see the challenge then skip to the end of part 10)

It was no secret that Midoriya Inko loved her son Izuku. The day he was born, the first time she laid her eyes on this tiny bundle of joy, wrapped up in a blanket and crying out loud, Inko knew the meaning of her life changed completely. There, resting on her arms and slowly calming down as he heard her steady heartbeat, her Izuku took the center of her life, becoming the validation of her existence. Everything that she had done in her life brought her and resumed at this moment. Despite the criminal wave, the wars, the economic problems, climatic changes and any other problems that might be happening, the world was much brighter and colorful, because her son was with her.

And since that day, Inko gave her all to take care of her precious baby. It proved to be a hard task. Baby Izuku barely completed his first year and Hisashi had to move from Japan, having received an amazing opportunity to work at a huge multinational enterprise. Thought it tore his heart apart to leave his lovely wife and his only son, at such a young age from all things, but it would be for the best. He also wanted to give this kid the best future he could, and he would work as hard as he could and beyond to make sure Izuku only had the best.

So he left, trusting that his wife would take care of him while he helped her from afar. And Inko surely took this as her life goal. For many nights she stood awake, soothing her little baby until the colics ceased. But besides that, he was a wonderful child. He remained sound asleep during all the night, cried for milk always at the same times of the day, and what she loved most, Izuku was a very clingy and sweet baby.

Inko walked around the house with him on her arms and he kept holding tight on her small blouse with his tiny hands. She quickly discovered that he didn't like the crib, so every night he slept by her side on her bed, surrounded by pillows in case of him rolling during his sleep. When she played with him, making him jump on her lap or lifting him up, he reached with his tiny hands and when she got him closer to her face he oh so gently caressed her face. She nearly fainted when she heard him call her 'mama' for the first time.

"Who the hell call the others at six in the morning?!"

"Mitsuki! Mitsuki! He said it! Izuku called me 'mama'!"

Bakugou Mitsuki flinched as the voice of her green haired friend blasted from her phone. Seriously, the woman was too hyped with this mother thing. Two hours ago she finally managed to put Katsuki to sleep, so she hoped to have at least some decent hours of sleep. She had no such luck. Soon after Mitsuki received a video.

"Come on, Izuku, say it again. Who is this?"

The blonde woman watched with tired eyes at the green haired baby on the screen. He was digging his nonexistent teeth at a biting toy, then looked at the camera when he heard his name, tilting his head to the side. His eyes showed confusion, then realization and after that sheer happiness.

"Aah! Mama. Mama"

"That's right! It's Mama! Oh, I have to send this to Hisashi! And Mitsuki too! Oh, does my mother knows how to use the phone already?"

Mitsuki couldn't help but smile at the sweet scene and the overjoy of her friend. Izuku sure was a cute baby, even more if she compared him to her own son. Seriously, Katsuki was always shouting, throwing things around and acting up, but she still found it better to have an overactive child than one plain and too quiet.

Seeing Izuku grow up was surely one of the best things that happened on her life, together with the day Hisashi confessed to her, the day he proposed her, the day of their wedding and of course, the day she gave birth. Basically, everything that had some relation with Izuku was special for her. She watched in awe as he took his first steps. He fell a couple times, almost crying rivers, just to brush away the tears and get up again. Inko watched and recorded in HD, her brave son facing his very first challenge. Once again he stood up, firming his at first wobbly tiny legs and balancing himself with his arms stretched forward. Now on his feet, little Izuku, with all the seriousness a baby face allowed him to show, looked at his enemy, the wooden floor, and lifted his right leg with his small arms open to steady his body. He lifted his tiny foot and successfully landed it centimeters ahead of where it was before. Then he lifted the left foot and repeated, and repeated with the right, and with the left.

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