Chapter Four : If I Stay

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Jenia Anderson P.O.V

( Thats Havana's mother )

My daughter is finally turning 16 , I know i know . I promise to my husband that i wouldn't cry on her birthday finally becoming a woman.

Havana walked threw that door and she owned it like a woman should in the future she's gonna have may heartbreaks along the way for boys.

" Im so gonna kill all of you . You guys shouldn't have " Havana said jumping from our sudden surprise.

" Honey , its all a misunderstanding the picking up Dessi lies, That rental car that you thought was yours lies . " Mom comes in and save the day

I quickly scanned my watch its a little bit over 9:30 ish and Tylen still hasn't arrived . When my daughter and Jylen hooked up he seem to be the odd ball around here.

The doors burst open revealing Tylen with Dessi . This is something new Tylen knew that Havana hated dessi so why bring her at my daughter's party.

Excuse my language but who in the hell does that shit ...

I walked up to my daughter she was talking to her old pal katie , you dont need to know their story.

" Psst honey look at the front door . " I whispered in my daughter ear .

" What is it - " Havana turned her head and saw what i saw about 20 seconds ago .

havana p.o.v
My Mom told me to turn around so i did , i saw Tylen linked up with the trash Dessi . That butthole he knew exactly how much i hated her. Tylen dare bring her to my party . This must end once and for all .

I walked up to the terrible two just like Marley i love that movie , I'm getting carried away .

" Why is she here ? " I said almost huffing and puffing .

" Let me introd - " I quickly cut Tylen off .

" Your an asshole for snooping so low , take your washed up tea and go somewhere else . " I said pushing them out of my party .

The rest of my night was pretty amazing , i kinda felt bad for booting my old best friend out of my sixteenth birthday party.

: A/N

Its coming along like i said , Tylen is Havana old best friend this is the present day an event occurred for them to lose their friendship .

Sorry my story had a bipolar twist 👌

hap- cant even say happy monday because i hate mondays .

so 1/5/2015 happy new year is what i can say .

next update ; 1:12:2015

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