Chapter Two:Tylen and Jylen

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( Above is the Dolan Twins )

Havana P.O.V

I know right , it was very confusing so like when i told you that my BestFriend kissed me , it wasn't my BestFriend it was his twin bother.

My best friend is Tylen and his brother was jylen . Its just nasty because i had feeling for tylen ever since the 5th grade. Tylen was the only boy in 5th grade that didn't turn me down in the end of the year dance.

Havana how come you never knew Tylen had a twin? i can answer that question from there. Okay here goes!

So , i guess when Tylen & Jylen were little kids , their parents split up . You know like the movie parent trap .

Tylen went with his mother and Jylen went with his father , so then theres me .

Stuck in the middle of the situation . That same night of Tylen's sixteenth celebration , he asked me to be his girlfriend .

It was really Jylen that asked me out , i have met Jylen before when we was kids it would always be Jylen , tylen and i playing around until their parents split up.

In the year 2012 , They got back together ! For some lucky reason so , now everybody is back together. Like i said its like the parent trap movie.

( above is Flashback )

-- Present Day 🔻

Omg , Jylen is the sweetest , So Today is my 16th birthday , I'm so hyped I'm just want pink everything.

The early gift that Jylen got me was a giant bear and two sets of flowers , he didn't know which ones to get so he brought both. Oh and to top it off he brought me a Michael Kors watch.

I woke up out of bed , So happy its finally its december 28, i did my stretches in the morning and rushed downstairs.

There i was greeted by a stack of pancake , Bacon and my favorite Wendy ice cream with fries,with a card facing down .

I walked over to the card and began to read it , its from mom and dad.

" Hi honey , this is mom and dad , we would like to wish you a happy birthday. Your finally 16 , Im so happy . Look around the house and find a giant birthday box. Have fun searching it . Just reme -

After that i took off running leaving my delicious food on the table . The first place i checked was the bathroom .

I checked under the desk of the bathroom sink. Luckily it wasn't under there . I checked every where.

I went to kitchen to finish my meal, i was pissed that i couldn't find my gift . I got an idea in my brain .

I went up to my room and open my closet door , there it was the big pink box sitting there .

I began to push it out of the closet to see whats actually in in . i just cant .

" What ever the freak is in this is a fat as hell " i said bitting my lip , finally moving it .

I removed the lid .

" Surprise ! ! ! " Jylen popped out the box with flowers .

" Whaaat . where the suprise " i said checking the box when Jylen got out of it .

" Its me " Jylen said smiling , with his prefect face & his perfect teeth.

" Oh , im so tired , searching around for this box " i said laying face down of my king sized bed.

" See if you finish the note , you would be so tired . " Jylen said handing me the card .

I finish reading it & it said

" Hi honey , this is mom and dad , we would like to wish you a happy birthday. Your finally 16 , Im so happy . Look around the house and find a giant birthday box. Have fun searching it . Just remember that the box is in your room in the closet. Your father & i would know you would dash off not reading the rest of the card , and now your tired . Haha

- love mom . "

Freaking great .

"Hey uh babe , come pick me up at 10:30 . I need to get ready . " I said picking my self up again.

" No problem . " Jylen kissed my lips and left my house .

What a morning . i went to take my shower.

A/N 🐯💕

Haay , what a day im still trying to have more people read my books .

So please tell your friends please

Happy 12/24/2014

Next update : 12/30/2014

Yes i update every 6 days ... Lol

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