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The rain has finally ceased, but it was none of his concern now when he had a much bigger problem to handle. His companions must have also felt it cause they were all getting up and out of their temporary shelter except for Sadaharu who has become his Shugosha during his stay with them. Izuna sighs, not wanting to meet his Nii-sama yet, but he also knows that if he doesn't do that then it will be much worse than it's supposed to. With the last pet to Sadaharu's fluffy fur, he slowly starts to get up when he hears shoutings, most probably his Nii-sama, though what got him hurrying was to the voice of Senju Hashirama!! What is he doing here? And with his Nii-sama!! The only thing on his mind was 'What has happened during his absence?'

When he got outside, with Sadaharu by his side, the shouting got much louder.

"-one who has him!!!!" His Nii-sama shrieked.

"Sorry, but we don't know what you are shouting about he-banshee." Gintoki-san deadpanned.

"WHAT!!!" He was sure, Nii-sama's shrieking was heard all over the Fire Country, it was just too loud.

"He-banshee you are too loud -aru." Kagura-chan chimp in.

"I will kill all of you!!" Nii-sama shouted, no doubt preparing himself to swing his Gunbai.

"Madara! You can't do that! They still have Izuna with them!" It was the voice of Senju Hashirama and he sounded worried?



Izuna was so stiff, he was so busy listening to their shouts that he failed to sense that there was another person along with his brother and that another person was no other than Senju Tobirama!! What happened?!



He cringes, he hopes his eardrums are still intact, then he can hear his Nii-sama trying to run towards him but was stopped by Gintoki-san.

"Get out of my way, you dipshit!!" Nii-sama growled loudly, but by the sound of it, it doesn't seem like Gintoki-san took his threat. Then he can hear the stroking sound of a brush on a scroll.

"Here." He said.


"You fucker..." Nii-sama growled.

"This is the total amount of his medication fees, food, services, etcetera, etcetera."

"How dare you to ask me after y-"

"Madara don't!"

"Gintoki-san." He can feel eyes on his person, he gulps, but he braces himself and after taking a deep breath, says "Let my brother pass, I would like to talk to him." And after a moment "Alone. Please."

He can hear his brother first speaking in a hush with -most probably- Senju Hashirama before he can hear his Nii-sama's familiar footsteps approaching him, he turns and heads towards the hut before his Nii-sama falls in steps with him, and also the fact that it's embarrassing that he has a hard time navigating his way towards the abandoned hut. Though, he just swallows the embarrassment since it's his fault that the suppressant seal is still on him. Approaching the hut, he goes inside and sits on the far corner where he can't feel the sunlight on him and also the prying eyes of the people outside. Making himself comfortable, all the while his brother's eyes on him, knowing full well that it's going to take more than an hour for whatever they are going to discuss. Inhaling a lungful of air than steeling himself, he angles his head towards the general direction his brother is in and addresses him.

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