Did he or did he not dig his own grave?

Start from the beginning

"You must be really hungry, so eat up but if you don't want to or unable to, I can eat it for you, if I eat it you will be full too." He doesn't know but he gets this feeling that she must be eyeing his food almost hungrily before he can open his mouth to reply a loud sound comes from his stomach, and he knows he must be red till his neck, that's when he also realized that he is still in the same flimsy kimono he had on before his- thing.

"Hahahaha!! Looks like I won't be getting anything extra to eat -aru." Kagura says and gets up from her sitting position, "but the still stands okay Izuna-san." Then she is bidding him good night and he is again left alone with his own company. He quietly eats the berries making sure to not eat them all in one go, his duration as a prisoner has made him crave more for the sweetness for the berries, and the sourness and crunchiness of the Sukonbu. The combination was weird but he had worse before. After he is done eating, he takes the waterskin to drink from it, noticing the waterskin after Kagura is gone. When he feels content, he carefully leans his head back upon the tree, mindful of the barks and let his mind drift in a semi-conscious state.

The next day he can feel the warmth of the sunlight upon his body and it nearly makes him tear up, if not for the company he is with at the moment. As long as he can remember, his Otou-sama had always told them to never show their weaknesses to anyone even inside the clan compound, and mainly to him because of his biology. He can hear the sound of yawning and readying themselves for another day worth of travel. He too gets up and hears Shinpachi calling him up and telling him about a stream near for them to bathe in or rather for him to clean up, but the guy is being nice and he can at least appreciate that.

The walk to the stream was not that far, they all came to a hold and started stripping themselves out of their clothing, he has situated himself a bit further from them, not wanting to bathe near strangers, rescuer or not and by their smell, he knows that all of them except for Shinpachi, who was a Beta, were Alphas, and good or not, he doesn't want to be near one, naked as long as he can get away with it. He was handed a tenugui, a kamitsure and a yukata -which was way more better than the one he was wearing and covered a lot more than just his private parts- before him going his separate way to bathe. Though he is not sure whose it is, he doesn't complain about it, not like he has much room to anyways.

He feels a large boulder not far from the group and settles himself behind it. Taking the dirtied yukata off his body as fast as his worn-out body can, then deliberately walks towards the water with the tenugui and kamitsure and dips himself in the cold water. He shivers at the feeling, just staying in it, and soaking and loving the feeling of the sun on him. Facing the sun, he sighs, feeling sad that he doesn't have his eyes anymore. He doesn't know what they had done to it, destroyed it? Or kept it as a treasure? Or maybe sold it? He doesn't know nor he wants to know.

Maybe the before him would have been vengeful about it, but he now is too tired and sad -so, so sad- he just wants to be in his Nii-sama's embrace and invaded by firepassionnight. He doesn't want to think about his reaction about his biology, 'It can wait' he thinks resolutely and he keeps his mind to that, if he thinks more about it the more depressed he will be and he doesn't want that, not with this many strangers he's surrounded by. When he feels he stays long enough soaking under the sun, he starts to rub himself with the tenugui, waste himself and his hair, and just as deliberately gets out the water.

Reaching the shore, he unfolds the yukata and wears it after a few minutes of his body naturally dries up under the sun and gets up from there in search for a place with shades. Maybe a tree. They are still inside the forest, but when he was about to start feeling his way for a tree Kagura shouted for him to come for breakfast. Now that he thinks about it, he can smell the smell of fresh fish being cooked and mouth salivating at that. Abandoning his search carefully started making his way towards them after collecting his dirtied kimono and tenugui.

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