Chapter 14: It's real

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Orochi didn't hold much hope of speaking to Sakumo during the day. Anko and Kakashi refused to leave his side. He was anxious though waiting for answers from Nade.

Sakumo picked up on it right away. When he would ask Orochi 'what was a matter?', he would say he couldn't speak of it in front of the kids. With no time alone to speak and having kids as smart as they had Orochi just had to wait. Kakashi and Anko would understand exactly what he was telling Sakumo. Probably more than Sakumo as they spent so much time in the lab with him.

I mean it sounded like a fairy tale come true and was highly impossible. A man having a way to produce offspring, but Nade was testing the proof.

By supper time Orochi told the kids to wash up, he had to convinced them he wouldn't leave the kitchen. Shizune was still with them. And so he knew Tusnade would come to the house, with good or bad news.

He was setting the table when Nade pulsed her chakra and walked in.

"In the kitchen, Nade, you are gonna stay and eat, right? Go wash first."

She walked in ignoring him. Went straight to Orochi and hugged him. It scared him, was she happy hugging him in joy or comforting because it was bad news. He felt the dragon annoyed with him. She didn't like his train of thought, he guessed.


He said nervously.

"(Sniff) It's real. I take back what I said. Come in tommorow and let's do this."

"What's real and what are you two doing?"

Sakumo asked. Orochi and Nade broke apart. Damn the man, he was just as good at cloaking himself as the Sannin and Orochi was distracted today. But he wanted to talk to Sakumo all day. Maybe this was his chance.

"Nade do you mind starting dinner with the kids while I talk to Sakumo, I haven't had 2 seconds alone with him all day."

"(Chuckling) Go. Tell. I got this."

He took Sakumo's hand. Walked him down the hall. Stop by the bath room. Told the kids to start dinner with Nade and promised they would be there shortly. He said it in a way that broke no arguments from them.

He pulled Sakumo in to their room, shut the door as he set the wards.

He explained everything. His journey to the Elder dragon of his clan. To learning of his dragon. Who flared in pride at the mention of her. He told him about what he learned of his clan. And lastly he told Sakumo about his gift from the Elder for finding a mate.

He said,

"Last night after our mate bite. Nade and I checked, and we discovered what it was. An ovary. Filled with my eggs for making babies. I can't carry them, but we already have a way around that. So Nade extracted eggs. And she has been running tests all day to confirm they are real and she did. MY EGGS. Sakumo this could mean a child in 9 months. Our children."

Sakumo wasn't looking at him. He had his head down. Far away even though they stood within arms reach of each other.

Orochi tried to get the man's attention, but he was not reacting the way Orochi had planned. Did this mean Sakumo didn't want this? Was he disgusted? Maybe it all was a farce with this man to begin with? Uggghhh, baka, should of known. He felt dejected.

Orochi was having a panic attack when arms pulled him in and loving held him. He felt the wet from Sakumo's chin on his forehead. Was Sakumo crying again?

He peeked up at him. A look of pure joy stared back.

"We can have a baby? Together? We could give them siblings that are ours?"

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