A gift in exchange for a chance

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Nakita p.o.v

BUZZZ! My alarm went off. Ugh, I hate waking up at 7:00. I stretched my back and got up out the bed. My phone continued to buzz as I continued to stretch touching my toes and going back up on my toes. I yawned and turned off my alarm. I checked my messages and I didn't get a text back from Jay Paris. What the heck? I thought he was so desperate to talk to me ..that's disappointing. He has some explaining to do because if he wants this cupcake this cupcake is gonna keep her icing in check.


We were gonna leave in about 20 minutes. I started playing the Slum Lords Anthem on my beats box from my iPod. Its the number one song that always gets my hype and I don't know why. I looked in the mirror vibing to it. Today I wore a grey round neck long sleeve asymmetrical knee-length dress with my black slim elastic over the knee boots. I straightened my hair today and placed a big laced cream bow on my head. Hmmm... what jewelry? I looked on my dresser and saw my blue box. Of course. Inside this blue box were 24kt earrings my daddy gave me. I had a set of 3, the pair I chose to wear today were the studs with the diamond inside it. 

"Nakita lets go!", I turned off my music and grabbed my iPod along with my book bag and left to go slay these hoes with a smirk on my face.

Jay Paris p.o.v

Damn, I wish tomorrow could be the weekend. I don't feel like coming to school today. I was on the bus jumping up and down. Why do buses bump up and down when you can ride in a car on the same road? -_- That's like stupid as shit.

I just remembered, ima see my baby girl today. That just lightened my mood. I sat up straight in my seat and changed my song to a happier song. Boy she look as good as me I swear, now I have something in my day to look forward to. Wow, isn't that something. Buzz! Ooooh, I hope I gotta text from her from last night. A bum jacked my phone and me and my niggas had to hunt him down because he was a runner. By the time I got my shit back from beating the shit out of his ass until he was unconscious. It took me all night to get home get my shit together for the next day and charge this phone. I know she'll probably be mad as hell at me and I can't blame her but I don't want that to happen.

We pulled up to the school.

I wiped myself off, straightened everything, and wiped my shoes. I had on my all white crew-neck, gold gear, my skinny khaki's, and my gold and white kd 7's. I hope I look presentable enough today for my baby girl. On the way inside I saw a rose bush, as I stared at the roses at thought of her when I told her she smelled so...divine. Wait...

I can't let everyone see me pick this rose. I walked over to the side and pretended I had to tie my shoe and once everyone was off the bus ahead of me I snatched off my book bag and picked 3 roses and carefully put them in my bag. I put them in the empty pocket so they won't get smudged or damaged. This could be part of the apology. Girls love roses right? I started to head out inside the school. I opened the door to the gym entrance and my senses hit me.

Wait... Why am I giving this girl I barely know some roses? I shook my head and wiped my face. I don't know what this girl got me doing. I-I think I'm in love.


I didn't talk no one and no one talked to me. I was focused on one thing...her.

I went straight to class and placed my things down. I noticed her and Jessica things were already on their desks. Ok well now I'll stand outside the door and wait for her to come back. I took the 3 roses out my book bag and started to head out with them behind my back, but once I turned around she walked in. We both just stood there in shock. The mood on her face changed to a skeptical look as she folded her arms walking towards me. My heart was pounding like a drum.

"Someone didn't bother to text me back last night when they precisely insisted to text them. Why?"

She looked dead into my soul. I just froze. I just wanted to pick her up, kiss all over her face and tell her how beautiful she is.

"Well? Do you at least have a lying excuse?", she said.

"Nakita... remember.", said Jessica. Remember what? They hiding something?

Nakita took a deep breath. "Sorry.. What I meant is I'm very disappointed in you that you didn't text me back. I really wanted to talk to you last night.", said Nakita.

I took the roses and handed them to her. She and her friend gasped and stood in shock.

"I'm sorry. There was an issue last night where my phone was almost stolen. When I got it back it died and it had to charge over night which didn't give me the time to text back. I didn't see your text until this morning. And again I'm sorry.", I said.

She looked back at Jessica then back at me.

" I accept your apology.", she said with a warm smile. Then she rushed in and hugged me. "Thanks a million for the roses, I love them."

"Your welcome. You were the prima facie when I first saw them because they symbolize beauty.", I said. Oooooh shit! That just came out my mouth?!"

"Omg... no one has ever told me that before. Thank you.", she said as she blushed.

"And due to the fact that I am the first to tell you, will you be my girlfriend?", I asked. She didn't say anything. Oops...too soon. I fucked up..being fast -_-. *mental slap on the face* "I-I'm sorry I wasn't thinking clearly. Y-Y-You don't have to keep the roses---"

"Yes.", she interrupted. Omg, she said. I'm about to run around the school and bounce off the walls. I couldn't help but to smile. We both couldn't help it. We hugged each other and I picked her short self up and hugged her tight while she giggled. I kissed her on the cheek and let her back down gentally. 

"I'll be right back. Excuse me, but I need to celebrate real quick.", I said heading out the room with a skip in my step. "She said yes! Boy I swear Jay Paris, you the shit!", I bragged to myself. I headed to the boys bathroom just to put my hair up in a ponytail and I heard the bell ring. Well, I have to take my medicine every morning from now on anyways so I have an excuse.

Once I arrived in the bathroom I stood in the mirror someone was behind me..... Jason. 

He was about to put some lean in his mouth standing behind me looking at me in the mirror. "Fuck you all happy for nigga?", he said.

"Don't worry about it. Whatever it is I don't need you to ruin my day.", I said in a calm voice, surprised at myself.

He chuckled, "I saw you give them roses to that new girl. Fuck was all that for? You needed a new strategy to get some pussy?", he laughed, "Nigga what the fuck is wrong witchu?", he said.

I put my arms down. "Nigga shut that shit up for real. I told you I don't need you to ruin my day. If you searching for an apology, sorry, but don't fuck with me and talk about my girl and get on somebody nerves being irrelevant as fuck all because your ignorance of being mad yesterday. Just leave me the fuck alone today. You know where I live so you bring your bullshit on my street but not here. I apologized so you should be happy so stay the hell outta my way.", I said leaving the bathroom heading to the nurse.

Fuck wrong with that nigga? He must not know how important my baby girl is. I hope a little sense kicked in his head. Like nigga why the fuck do you give a fuck about me when you just claimed you had beef with me....THE NEXT DAY after we had it out yesterday? Dumb ass nigga! See I don't even wanna fuck with him no more. He irrelevant as hell and he just now saying shit but he ain't wanna pull up when he had the fire to walk out mad as fuck yesterday. Fuck? ... You know what forget about it Jay, just fuck it. I got something better on my hands.

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