chapter 1

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BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. I groaned as I heard my alarm clock go off. Time for school or as i call it hell on earth. GEEET YOUUR ASSSSS UPP. my father called from down stairs. I stretched and got up out of my bed. I took a quick shower blow dried my hair brushed it, straightened it , teased it and straightened again I put on my black veil brides t-shirt on black ripped skinny Jean's black beat up converses I then put on my bvb bracelets some sws bracelets and a bvb star pendant did my makeup I put on some concealer foundation and black eyeliner and black and grey eyeshadow I then put in my snake bites and walked down the stairs grabbed my backpack and headed out the door on the way to school I put my earbuds in and plugged them into my iPod and continued the walk to hell on earth. When I got there I went to my locker and ALMOSTgot everything I needed out without getting pushed into it. But when I did I turned around and it was the school slut Abigail Jenkins

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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