The Keys

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Wilamae's POV:

There was a loud knock and I rolled over and groaned but I heard light footsteps so Aria must be getting the door.

"MAE, WAKE THE HECK UP." I jolted awake and quickly used my paint splattered hands to brush through my also paint-splattered hair while walking to the door. There standing in the doorway of the abandoned house was Wyatt, still all bruised and cut, but healed enough to be here. He had bandages around his wrists, where the burns from the silver are. I ran and jumped on him, hugging him tightly. I felt him wince in pain before he wrapped his arms around me.

"You are okay. Oh my gosh, you scared me and worried me. Never do that again and I am never letting you leave my side. Understand me Wyatt?" He nodded before we both let go.

"Okay who wants breakfast?" We both turn to Aria.

"What's with you and food?"

"I am always hungry, you know this." She skips down the hallway. I laugh and shake my head as I help Wyatt down the hall. We enter the kitchen and we sit at the island bench as Aria cooks some food. Over the years I renovated the house with small bits and pieces that my parents threw out or that I found around the barrier of Zombietown and Seabrook. So our house is a mixture of all cultures, with werewolves on the walls in my paintings.

"Thank you. For saving me." Wyatt says to my friend, and to me. "I'm sorry that I didn't trust you at first, Aria. And Mae, I'm so sorry for what I said." I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Well I'm glad you trust me now." Aria said as she finished cooking breakfast, and started dishing it out. "How hungry are you?"

"Turns out being tortured makes you more hungry than you think." Wyatt jokes around. At least he's starting to go back to normal. Aria scooped out a huge amount of bread, bacon and eggs onto his plate, and did the same with mine.

"Good thing I made heaps." Aria said as she passed our plates to us.

"So what's our next move? Maeve believes that she has the real keys, whatever they are." I asked, as I put some of the food into my mouth. I looked over to Wyatt, and he had half of his food left on his plate. "Woah! Slow down! You'll make yourself sick!" He grinned, before eating at the same pace. Well, I tried.

"Maeve will try and use them." Aria said. "She wants a better world."

"What's wrong with ours?" Wyatt asks, as he pushes his empty plate forward.

"She thinks there are too many mistakes in the world. And that she needs to fix them." Aria told us. "She needs to use the keys to do that. And the ones she has, aren't real."

"Do we know where the real keys are?" Wyatt looked at both of us mostly Aria.

"I have a pretty good idea where." Aria says, as she grabbed our plates and put them in the sink. "I'm not going to tell you, in case she captures one of you again. Sorry about that." Wyatt shrugs as he interlaces his hands with mine.

"Can we banish her or something?" I ask. "Like send her to a different realm?"

"It is possible." Aria says. "But it may take a cost."

"A cost?" She nodded.

"A person's life. Or something graver."

"So, whoever uses the keys to do that, would lose their life?" Wyatt asks.

"What if two people use them?" I ask.

"I am not sure." Aria says as she looks away.

"Well, let's go find these keys and banish her." Wyatt says, breaking the silence. Wyatt gets up, and Aria and I follow him. We walk out the door, and I go up to Wyatt.

"I'm so sorry. I know I have said this before, but I shouldn't have left you or made you leave, because then all this wouldn't have happened, and if I could go back and do everything again, I would-" Wyatt kissed me lightly on the lips.

"We all have an infinite capacity to make mistakes, we also have an infinite ability to forgive." he said.
"Is that your way to say I forgive you?" He laughed and then nodded.

"Yes, Star. I guess it is. Oh before I forget." He reached into his pocket and pulled out my bracelet. "As long as you exist and I exist, I will love you. You're the only person I've ever loved like this, and I know you are the only person I ever will. And I'm not myself without you, Mae. Once you dissolve dye in water, you can't take it out. I can't take you out of me. It means cutting my heart out. And I kinda like my heart." I laugh softly.

"I love you too." I stand on my tiptoes, and kiss his cheek. "Thank you for protecting my bracelet."

"That was cute. Now let's go get these keys." Aria said, as she leant against a pole. Wyatt and I interlaced our hands and followed Aria. Aria leads us through the forbidden forest to a hidden cave. "Shh. I can hear someone." As soon as she said it, I realized I could hear people as well.

"...this way....before..." I heard the person say. We quietly tread over several rocks, and into the cave. As we entered the main room of the cave, I saw a nice aqua blue pool, with rocks on the side of the room. In the middle was...

"The keys." Aria whispered. We raced over to the keys, and Aria was about to grab them, but I stopped her.

"Wait. We do this together." She nodded her head. We reached for the keys together.

"You." We turned around and we saw...
"Maeve." Aria snarled. "You hurt my friend and her mate. You are gonna pay."

"And how are you going to do that?" Maeve asked.

"Like this." I say as we twirl around and grab the keys. 

A/N ooo cliff hanger. Enjoy!

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