Jealousy and Mates

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Wilamae's POV:

"Yeah that went badly. No way Zed is getting the wolves vote." Eliza says to us the next day. Bonzo and I have cheer practice today, so I leave them and go and find my sister.

"You ready, future cheer captain?" I ask her.

"Yeah so ready!" We high-five each other and then we head to the gym for practice. As we run into the gym, I see the squad all talking and socializing. Addy and I get to the front and Addy blows the whistle. They all turn and face us.

"I am so fired up to be running cheer practice. Together, we can do anything." Addy said. Bree pointed behind us and we turned around to see Wyatt, Wynter and some of the pack. "I'm sorry, but this is a cheerleader's only practice."
"Just try and get us to leave." Wynter says, standing up. Wyatt steps up next to her.

"Some respect, Wynter." He tells her.

"No, Addy doesn't want you to leave." I tell the two and their pack.

"I want you to stay, show us what you can do. The cheer team is for everyone." The wolves all come down to where we are and we start cheering. "5! 6! 7! 8!" The wolves all copy what we do and we make a pretty awesome team. I look up and see Addy and Wyatt laughing and nodding. It's fine. It's not that I like him or anything. We get into groups and we all put our hands into the middle. We all lift them up and cheer. We do some more moves, and at the back I stand on Wyatt and some of the other cheer boys' hands and they toss me in the air. I love being able to fly. As I come down, Wyatt catches me before putting me down and looking away awkwardly. We do it again and this time, Addy is thrown up into the air, and that finishes our routine. After being caught, Wyatt and Addison hug. You know what, they're just cheering. And laughing.

"That was so amazing!" Addy tells the group. "You are all natural cheerleaders!" Wyatt comes up to Addy.

"We wolves work well together." Wyatt tells her.

"But, I'm not a wolf." She tells Wyatt.

"Hmm." Wyatt says, with a look on his face. Next to me and Bree, Wynter starts coughing. "Wynter?" Bree and I hold onto her as she finishes her coughing spree.

"Well done, Addison." Bucky comes in with the Acey's and starts clapping. "With wolves in cheer, this election is so in the bag."

"Bucky this is not about politics." Addison tells our cousin. "I always just thought that cheer can unite."

"You are going to make a great cheer captain!" Bucky tells her.

"I'm gonna be cheer captain!" Addison looks at me and I smile and give her a thumbs up. Wyatt and the rest of the squad all clap for her. "I was thinking that the squad could move on from trophies and start an outreach program..."
"Woah woah." Bucky interrupts her. "Cheer is what I say cheer is about. And it's about winning." Addison looks down at the floor, dejected. Bucky leaves the two and starts talking to the other wolves.

"You are a leader, Addison." Wyatt tells her, grabbing her hand. "But of something a lot bigger than cheer." The two of them have a moment looking into the other's eyes. Yeah that's it. I'm out. I walk past the two and head to the exit.

"Zed?" I hear Addy say.

"Mae, wait!" I hear Wyatt call for me.

"I don't care, Wyatt." I tell him as I continue walking. I can hear him still following me. I walk to my special place in the school, underneath the bleachers. I sit down and try to think.

"Mae." I stand up and turn around.

"No, Wyatt. Don't do this to me." I tell him. "Do you know how it feels to be left out? Do you know what it feels like when your YOUNGER sister gets all the attention, all of the boys? I don't care what you have to say." I try to keep my tears inside of me. "Addison is always the better twin, the more known twin. My whole life I have been second to my sister. She always gets the boys I like, the friends I am friends with and she doesn't even care. Nobody cares. Do you know what..." Before I could finish, Wyatt came up to me and kissed me. I closed my eyes. He broke away and I opened them again. "Oh wow."

"I love you, Mae. Not Addison, not anyone else." Wyatt told me, resting his forehead on mine. "I think that you are my mate."

"Mate?" I ask, confused.

"Yeah, us wolves, have mates. Partners for life." He explains to me. "I think you are mine."

"Oh okay then." I say, faintly, still not over the kiss.

"Uhh, Mae are you okay?" Wyatt asked me, grabbing my wrist. When he did that I saw all these flashes of my future. Me and him in his room, with him holding me while I sleep, us dancing under the moon and us just sitting with each other at the beach. These flash forwards finished and I looked up at Wyatt.

"Did you see that?" I asked him. He nodded.

"It's called imprinting." He tells me. "Once the female mate accepts the mating bond, it imprints them, showing them their future."

"Well then, I love you. I always have, since I saw you in the forest after the crash." I tell him. He hugs me and spins me in the air, smiling wide. He put me down and I hugged him.

"Can you meet me somewhere tonight?" Wyatt asks me.

"Sure, I'll have to sneak out though." I tell him.

"We'll take care of that. Don't your parents have a dinner tonight? At City Hall?" He asks me. I nodded. "There is one more thing. You need to bring your sister."

"Okay. What's so important?" I ask him.

"You are. Well you and your sister are." Wyatt tells me. "But you are more important. Just so you know, with the mating bond, comes overprotectiveness on my part. So if any other male looks at you for too long, be prepared. I should be able to control it but if not..."

"I get it." I put my hand on his cheek and he leans into it. "You have that desire to protect me." He nodded. The school bell rang signaling the end of the day. "I love you. I'll see you tonight." I kiss him and head back to the school building. 

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