Chapter Eight

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I stood frozen with fear for more than an hour, staring into the snake's deathly cold eyes, waiting for it to strike.

Finally, with the light of the strong morning sun shining through the canvas of the tent, the sleeping shape in the hammock shifted, yawned, sat up, and glanced around.

It was the snake-boy, and he looked shocked when he saw me. He immediately rocked back in the hammock and raised the covers, as though to protect himself. Then he saw the snake wrapped around me and breathed easily.

"Who are you?"he asked sharply. "What are you doing here?"

I shook my head slowly. I didn't dare speak for fear that the movement of my lungs would cause the snake to strike.

"You'd better answer,"he warned, "or I'll tell her to take your eyes out."

"I... I... I'm Duh-Darren Sh-sh-Shan,"I stuttered. "Mr. Tuh-Tall told me to cuh-come in. He said I wuh-wuh-was supposed to be your new ruh-ruh-ruh-roommate."

"Darren Shan?"The snake-boy frowned, then pointed knowingly. "You're Mr. Crepsley's assistant, aren't you?"

"Yes,"I said quietly.

The snake-boy grinned. "Did he know Mr. Tall was putting you in with me?"I nodded and he laughed. "I've never met a vampire without a nasty sense of humor."

He swung down out of the hammock, crossed the tent, took hold of the snake's head, and began unwrapping it. "You're okay,"he assured me. "In fact, you were never in danger. The snake's been asleep the whole time. You could have tugged her off and she wouldn't have stirred. She's a deep sleeper."

"She's asleep ?"I squeaked. "But... how come she wrapped herself around me?"

He smiled. "She sleepcrawls."

"Sleepcrawls !"I stared at him, then at the snake, which hadn't moved while he was unwinding her. The last of her coils came free and I could step away to one side. My legs were stiff and full of pins and needles.

"A sleepcrawling snake."I laughed uneasily. "Thank God she's not a sleepeating snake!"

The snake-boy tucked his pet away in a corner and stroked her head lovingly. "She wouldn't have eaten you even if she had woken up,"he informed me. "She ate a goat yesterday. Snakes her size don't have to eat very often."

Leaving his snake, he threw back the tent flap and stepped out. I followed quickly, not wanting to be left alone with the reptile.

I studied him closely outside. He was exactly as I remembered: a few years older than me and very thin, with long yellow-green hair, narrow eyes, and strangely webbed fingers and toes; his body was covered in green, gold, yellow, and blue scales. He was wearing a pair of shorts and nothing else.

"By the way,"he said, "my name's Evra Von."He held out a hand and we shook. His palm felt slippery, but dry. A few of the scales came off and stuck to my hand when I pulled it away. They were like scraps of colored dead skin.

"Evra Von what?"I asked.

"Just plain Von,"he said, rubbing his stomach. "You hungry?"

"Yes,"I said, and went with Evra to get something to eat.

The camp was alive with activity. Since there had been no show the night before, most of the freaks and their helpers had gone to bed early, and so now they were up and about earlier than usual.

I was fascinated by the hustle and bustle. I hadn't realized there were so many people working for the Cirque. I'd thought it would just be the performers and assistants I'd seen the night I went to the show with Steve, but as I looked around I saw that those were just the tip of the iceberg. There were at least two dozen people walking or talking, washing or cooking, none of whom I'd seen before.

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