Chapter Seven

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The more we discussed the idea, the more I liked it. Mr. Crepsley said the Cirque performers would know what I was and would accept me as one of their own. The lineup of the show changed a lot and there was almost always someone who would be around my own age. I could hang out with them.

"What if I don't like it there?"I asked.

"Then we leave,"he said. "I enjoyed traveling with the Cirque, but I am not crazy about it. If you like it, we stay. If you do not, we hit the road again."

"They won't mind me tagging along?"I asked.

"You will have to pull your weight,"he replied. "Mr. Tall insists on everybody doing something. You will have to help set up chairs and lights, sell souvenirs, clean up afterward, or do the cooking. You will be kept busy, but they will not overwork you. We will have plenty of time for our lessons."

We decided to give it a shot. At least it would mean a real bed every night. My back was stiff from sleeping on floors.

Mr. Crepsley had to find out where the show was before we could join. I asked him how he was going to do that. He told me he was able to home in on Mr. Tall's thoughts.

"You mean he's telepathic?"I asked, remembering what Steve had called people who could talk to each other using only their brains.

"Sort of,"Mr. Crepsley said. "We cannot speak to each other with our thoughts but I can pick up his... aura, you could call it. Once I locate that, tracking him down will be no problem."

"Could I locate his aura?"I wanted to know.

"No,"Mr. Crepsley said. "Most vampires - along with a few gifted humans - can, but half-vampires cannot."

He sat down in the middle of the church and closed his eyes. He was quiet for about a minute. Then his eyelids opened and he stood.

"Got him,"he said.

"So soon?"I asked. "I thought it would take longer."

"I have searched for his aura many times,"Mr. Crepsley explained. "I know what to look for. Finding him is as easy as finding a needle in a haystack."

"That's supposed to be hard, isn't it?"

"Not for a vampire,"he said.

While we were packing to leave, I found myself gazing around the church. Something had been bothering me, but I wasn't sure whether I should mention it to Mr. Crepsley.

"Go on,"he said, startling me. "Ask whatever it is that is on your mind."

"How did you know I wanted to ask something?"I said, sort of freaked out.

He laughed. "It does not take a vampire to know when a child is curious. You have been bursting with a question for ages. What is it?"

I took a deep breath. "Do you believe in God?"I asked.

Mr. Crepsley looked at me oddly, then nodded slowly. "I believe in the gods of the vampires."

I frowned. "There are vampire gods?"

"Of course,"he said. "Every culture has gods: Egyptian gods, Indian gods, Chinese gods. Vampires are no different."

"What about heaven?"I asked.

"We believe in Paradise. It lies beyond the stars. When we die, if we have lived good lives, our spirits float free of the earth, cross the stars and galaxies, and come at last to a wonderful world at the other side of the universe - Paradise."

"And if they don't live good lives?"

"They stay here,"he said. "They remain bound to earth as ghosts, doomed to wander the face of this planet forever."

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