Chapter 2

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It had been a week since I shared that kiss with Gajeel and ever since I hadn't been able to think about anything else. I had tried going to the gym in hope to maybe fulfill one of the resolutions on my list, but it had just ended up with me sitting on the floor, scrolling through my phone. Nothing could make me think of anything other than that damn crimson eyed boy and it was driving me crazy.

I had told Lucy about Gajeel when she had called me a few days later and she had squealed so hard it felt like my eardrum broke. After telling her about him I felt like I had to explain why I left the party in such a rush, to both Lucy and Gajeel. To be honest I didn't know why I let Jet get to me like he did, why I always ran away. He had hurt me, yes, but why didn't I stand up for myself?

Lucy and I had decided to meet up at our favorite café, to talk about New Years. She didn't know that Jet and I had been a thing, it was a long time ago after all. The same thought from earlier entered my mind, Why did I let him get to me so easily? He was the one that had done something horrible. We were sitting by one of the large windows talking about whatever came to mind as we sipped on our hot beverages, once in a while taking a small bite from the cheesecake that we had decided to share. "I forgot to ask you, Levy." I looked up to meet her chocolate eyes, excitement making them sparkle even more. She had talked about Natsu for almost two hours and how they had really hit it off on New Years. "Yeah?" She smirked slightly before turning her head to look out the window. "How was the kiss?" She turned to look at me when I didn't answer immediately, the same smirk playing with her lips. I looked down at the cup, trying to hide my nervousness. "It was good, great actually. Maybe even amazing." I looked up at Lucy with a weak smile. "Well I thought so." She took a sip of her tea, still smiling happily to herself. "It felt almost as if we were the only people left on earth." I stared out to window to the busy street, once again thinking about him, his eyes, his smile, his muscular arms that I could still feel around me, holding me close to his hard chest. Lucy's loud 'aww' brought me back to reality and I looked over at her once again, returning the smile.

Lucy and I walked out of the small café and we hugged before heading in our own directions. The weather outside was a bit chilly and I could feel it sting my cheeks and nose. It was nice, for once numbing my thoughts that had distracted me for so long. I decided to take a walk through the park before returning to my lonely apartment. I knew that once I returned home my thoughts would once more contain only one thing and one thing only, the crimson eyed man.

My thoughts went back to the question Lucy had asked me. 'How was the kiss?' All I knew was that saying it was a good kiss was an understateme...Shit! I closed my eyes before the hard ground hit my back and arse and I let out a small groan in response. "Woah are you okay?!" I looked up to meet the familiar crimson eyes that I had missed deeply even if I didn't want to admit it. "Well look who it is! Hello Shrimp!" He reached out a large hand and I hesitantly accepted it before he pulled me up with ease.  "Thank you." I said while dusting off my coat trying hard to ignore his stare that bore into my soul. "So, how you been?" I moved a strand of hair behind my ear and looked over to the old lady feeding the very fat pigeons, not daring to meet his intense gaze. "I've been good and umm sorry for just walking away that night." I could feel the air around us fill with an awkward atmosphere. "Don't worry about it, Shrimp. I figured I must of scared you off." I looked up at him, shock surely written all over my face. Before I even got a chance to tell him what had really happened that night he interrupted my thoughts. "You look a bit cold, are you sure that coat is warm enough?" He leaned down a bit, his thumb and index finger grabbing the fabric of my coat. I could feel my cold cheeks slowly turn crazy hot. "I..ugh..I'm f..fine." His eyes met mine and I could almost have sworn that the earth stopped moving. "Then why are you stuttering?" He straightened his back before crossing his arms across his chest and raising one curious eyebrow. "I'm fine, I promise." My words weren't convincing and I knew that he heard it as well. "Sure..." He moved one hand to scratch the back of his head and finally moving his eyes to something other than my own. "Well, I live just across the street and I make a mean hot chocolate." Did he want me to go with him? Why? I tried to read the expression on his face but I couldn't figure it out. "Umm, I should probably get.." I stopped my words. I wanted to go with him right? Why was I trying to come up with an excuse? "Yeah I would love to try your mean hot chocolate." He looked down at me, a small smile playing with his lips. He turned on his heel, walking back in the same direction he came from and I quickly followed, trying hard to ignore the butterflies in my stomach.

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