"Un..." Honoka nodded flushing.

A knock disturbed their conversation.

"It's open." Honoka raised her voice for the other person to hear.

When the door opened, Kizuna went in and he had a tired look.

"Otsukaresama." Honoka nonchalantly said. Fon couldn't hold back his laugh and Kizuna sulked towards his sister's bed.

"How come you are able to escape right away and I was caught in the trouble?!" He complained.

"Experienced it before. Never want to be stuck on it again." She continued to munch. "You can take food from here." She offered the food on the table.

"No thanks. I lost my appetite after that..." Kizuna shivered when he remembered what happened on the dining room.

"Your choice."

"You guys seem to catch up right away." Fon stated what he noticed between them.

"Oji-sama, I have learned to accept things right away especially regarding the Mafia. Of course, with proper explanation." Kizuna sighed and slumped his shoulders further. "But honestly speaking, nothing had changed at all. I just feel like nee-sama just aged in terms of facial features but she is still the same."

"Do you have to rub that I am a bit older now?" Honoka had a tick mark on her head.

"I don't mean it in a bad way!" Kizuna said it in panic.

Honoka and Fon burst out with laughter.

"I'll have to ask you to refrain from teasing Kizuna." Fon said it while holding his laughter.

"So mean..." Kizuna slumped on the bed again.

Honoka continued laughing. "Sorry.. That won't happen again." She said as she wiped the tears that came out when she laughed. "Haven't laughed that long in ages." She stood up and stretched.

Honoka picked up a glass of water to drink since her throat was dry because of laughing.

Honoka froze and she had let go of the glass all of the sudden. Both Fon and Kizuna were surprised with her sudden action.

T-t-this presence...

"Miwa, are you okay?" Fon asked as he stood up and went on her side. Kizuna also stood up away from the bed with his worried face.

"Kizuna, is Decimo expecting a visitor?" They were alarmed by the urgent tone Honoka gave.

"N-not that I am aware of."Kizuna answered. "Why all of the sudden?"

"I felt the same presence that the enemy gave with the one that we had in my original world. It's faint but the enemy is getting here faster."

A crash on the window was heard.

"Are you alright Honoka-chan? I heard a crash." Byakuran asked as soon as he entered the room via the window.

"I swear I am going to strangle you to death for surprising us again." She grabbed his neck and glared at him.

"You are already strangling me!" Byakuran choked.

Honoka clicked her tongue and let go of him.

"Kizuna, inform Sawada-san about the situation." Honoka gave an order.

"R-right!" Kizuna ran right away.

Honoka clasped her hands and her body glowed as light orange and a hint of green flames surrounded the bed wherein the younger Rika was sleeping.

"Scudo di invincibilità del cielo." She chanted.

"That should do it." Honoka breathed out tiringly.

"Fon-san, you can enter the barrier and take care of her." She said.

"What are you supposed to do?"

She did not respond right away as she created mini orange flames with a hint of indigo flames on it.

"Specchio dell'inganno del cielo." She let the flames fly away.

"Those will serve as a decoy to the enemy. We'll buy time and meet Sawada half way. That barrier won't let anyone detect you or someone who uses flames. Protect her at any cost."

"That goes without saying." Fon affirmed. "Be careful." Honoka nodded at him and gestured to Byakuran to go with her.

Byakuran ran besides her.

"Never thought they would be able to detect the flames right away." Byakuran gave a disapproving look.

"I kinda expected it but not as soon as this time. I have a feeling someone knew that someone had spied at the school." Honoka stated as she grunted.


Honoka and Byakuran had stopped as the ground was shaking.

"That came from the hallway where the meeting room is." Byakuran looked at her. Both of them skidded towards that place.


"So it has begun." Dino stated. The Vongola allies were once again on the Vongola Mansion for the meeting.

"Do you think they can win?" Yuni worryingly asked.

Tsuna had clasped both of his hands on the table. Only wishing for their safety.

All of the sudden, something glowed near on the window. All of them were on alert yet Tsuna felt that there's no need to be wary of it.

All of them were shocked by what they saw.

Tsuna gasped. "You are---"



I actually wanted to write the part "Otsukaresama." hahahhaha. It kinda adds the atmosphere.

I'm not quite familiar with Italian. I only used google. 

So here it is:

sky mirror of deceit - specchio dell'inganno del cielo

shield of invincibility of the sky- scudo di invincibilità del cielo


Thank you always for reading. 

Stay safe as always. ♥️♥️♥️

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