Day 1~ training camp

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" Michael if you don't learn how to fight as a proper rogue, Luna Snow will kill you."
" Matt I just can't get my fingers to bend that way."
" What way? You're just having to make a proper fist."
" Yeah but mine don't bend that way ever since I decided to challenge Luna Snow."
" It isn't my fault you're an idiot."

Snow's Point of View:

I looked out my cabin at my pack. They're the best thing that ever happened to me since that man. He was cruel, he is what inspired me to become the Alpha of the most feared. Everyday wolves are thrown out to be rogues as a bad thing but in simple truth it isn't bad at all. Besides, they have me.
I'm not a typical Alpha or Luna. I hate Alphas but I hate their mates more, I was kicked out of the best life I ever had because of a particular Luna. Aren't Luna's supposed to be kind and loving? Yeah well she wasn't, she ruined my perfect life just because I was stronger than her oh so perfect daughter that just so happened to hate me more than life because I wasn't skinny like she was.
Well, I'm done with the criticism from those who aren't of any importance to me.
I walked out of my beautiful cabin. I built it when I was twelve. Due to the oh so perfect daughter and her cause of me being kicked out. Since then I have learned to take care of myself and actually fight, not like how they showed the girls how to. They told us they showed the boys the same moves but I knew they didn't, they gave them the real combat because while we weren't sweating they were sweating buckets. The other girls just didn't seem to have a high intelligence level. 
I walked over to Matt and the idiot Michael, they instantly bowed their head with respect. I don't do the whole submission thing but I do expect some respect.
" Now Michael, maybe turn your hand this way. There you go, good, now bend it to a little to the right, perfect. Now punch me."
He looked shocked but did as he was told. My pack isn't completely based off of gender or rank, me being the Alpha of my pack gives me seniority, but I think even if I was to lose the title they would still follow my every command. We want a community that flows not dictates. 
" Matt, I fixed his form. But Micheal let this happen again and you lose your meals for a whole week ." My eyes darkened daring him to challenge me. He nodded his head and walked away.
Now for more stressing news, I turned to my Beta Rogue Matt and gave him the lay it on me look.
" Well, Luna Snow, there has been another torturing for the women in Hillside Pack. They have tortured all their women to simply show them who's boss and to show them how much they really mean to them."
This makes my blood boil, how dare they. And how dare the women not stand up to them about it. I have to intervene with this pack and show them how a girl can kill just as easily as a man.
" Get the pack together. We are attacking first in the morning." Unlike other dumb packs we don't need to strategize because we have used the same attack methods for years. They have tried to beat it, but, they can't.
" Oh and Luna, the Oceans Packs Alpha has requested to meet you, he says now but I told him he isn't my Alpha and so he can meet with you whenever you give the okay."
" Alright thanks and remember, I'm not your dictator, just someone who wants the best for you." I may seem harsh and cruel but I'm not. I actually care for the weak and want to make them strong. It doesn't matter how cruel I get, at least I'm doing my job. Right?

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