Part 3:

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Damien's P.O.V.

I watched in horror as she killed her father. I saw her rogue side coming out of her once again. I knew she wasn't ready for this trip but I just had to see what would happen to them.

She didn't even look guilty until she saw that I was there. Then she tried to play the innocent card. I shook my head at her, she wasn't even begging for me to understand, she just watched me, studied me.

"No don't speak, I can't listen to the addicting voice of yours and look at a monster."
"I am not going to apologize fore killing him."
"Snow has the wolf taken over that much?"
"I don't expect you to understand me. I don't expect you to see how what I did was right. But I do expect you to believe in me and support me in everything I do."
"Snow I can't support a murderer of their own family."
"That's okay."
"Snow I love you but this isn't you."
"I know."
"Snow what is going on with you?"
"Nothing is wrong. I'm just fine."
"Snow you aren't acting normal. I don't know what to do about you."
"You leave me alone."
"I think I just might."
"Alright I've enough of this. I Luna Snow, Luna of the Rogues reject Alpha Damien, Alpha of the Oceans Pack." A pain went through us both. I didn't look at her or feel any different towards her but my heart was empty. Nothing was there. It was like a box with nothing in it but weighing a ton. A tear trickled down her cheek, I went to wipe her face but her eyes turned red.

A different voice spoke, not her sweet loving voice but a voice I had never heard before. A voice that I was scared of. Something I didn't know she was capable of.

"You do not have the privilege of comforting her anymore. You are gone and I am here. The Snow you once knew is gone and instead is her new wolf, the name is Ruby. Yes like blood, that's all I want is blood. Her old wolf is gone, she will not be the same when she wakes up. You ruined her so now I will ruin you."

I felt my eyes darken and I knew this probably isn't a good thing for either of us. I tried to step out of the room but Ruby grabbed me and threw me. I got back up and tried to leave but she banged my head against the wall. I had enough of this, when she grabbed me again I threw her. Guilt flooded me as she fell unconscious, I know she's not dead but Snow is. And to say I was going to propose when we got home.


I know it's short but I just had to publish something before writers block builds up. Yes writers block is a thing, I know it sounds funny but it's real. Also I'm out for summer vacation so don't worry I have no excuse for updating☺️. Well comment, vote and enjoy.😊😊

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