My Best Book Yet

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Below is a reading sample from my newest and latest novel. I know I have added so many after messages but I am so excited for this next book. I have added loops upon loops, explaining the history for any and every supernatural book you have ever read. PLEASE READ IT!!! I promise I will not disappoint!


If Mother Nature Had a Daughter

The Beginning of Time:

The world was dark and cold. Humanity wasn't a thing, there were only supernatural creatures. The Vampires and Werewolves worked together to defeat the Giants and the Sirens. The war was caused due to the Werewolves always creating new rules for the other supernaturals. The Werewolves didn't understand every society would have its own way of living, they only saw their way as fit and thought it must stay that way. The Giants and Sirens saw this as unfair, for they were already outcasted, what else did the Werewolves need to control? The Vampires soon saw how the tables were going to turn and wanted to be on the right side at all costs. The Vampires knew the only way for the two kinds to work together was to have a common leader. Someone who loved all beings and didn't want the war to end the way the Werewolves saw fit. Their leader was a young woman full of magic. She was born into the role and fulfilled it well. She didn't want to execute the Giants nor the Sirens, for she saw life as something to protect. After the war ended the Vampires and the Werewolves worked in harmony with one another. They realized the error of their ways and soon found peace. Of course this couldn't last for long, an evil witch knew that as long as the Vampires and Werewolves were united, the world couldn't stand a chance between two powerful creatures.

Vampires had magic themselves, there were different types of magic that they had. Some Vampires, had the ability to read minds and move things with their minds. Other Vampires had incredible speed that not even some wolves could catch. Then there was the elite Vampires or the royals. These Vampires could control the elements; Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Vampires used to not drink blood, for they weren't actually dead. They were the "humans" of the earth if they had to be labelled.

The Werewolves were a different course of power. The Werewolves were smart, strong, fast and could be cruel if they had to be. Werewolves developed a technology making them immortal. Neither silver or poison could kill them. The war was inevitably on their side. They had the power to kill all supernaturals who went against their justice system.

Witches were tired of the Werewolves constantly overpowering all and cast a spell on each wolf. They must shift three days before their 16th birthday, it will be a painful shift. A shift that many wolves dreaded, all wolves who had already shifted, would go through this new shift again. This time their shift wasn't going to be easy. Their bones broke and realigned for days, three days of constant agony and misery. The shifting sped up for males, for their bodies were stronger. The females weren't so lucky, they had to go through the agony and torture all the way until sunrise after their birthday. The witches created the spell for balance in the werewolf community. Wolves were no longer Immortal.

The Evil Witch tricked the Werewolf community into believing that the Vampires were behind such a spell. This caused a major war between the two kinds; a war that will never cease. Soon the Witches saw the Vampires using their magic and capabilities against the wolves. Poisoning the wolves and killing them with silver. The witches only saw fit to have the Vampires limited as well. Due to all of the blood the Vampires spilled, they will now have to drink it up to survive. Fangs grew into the Vampires mouths, a painful process that occurred when the child turned 16. However, the blood could not be just any blood though, the blood must be pure, no magic. If the Vampires constantly drank this blood they would live, but if they couldn't find this source, then they would die as a species.

The Vampires and Werewolves united one last time, they were tired of the witches trying to give a balance that just wasn't justice. The Werewolves were now mortal and could be killed by poison or silver, had to endure painful deaths and their bloodlines were getting weaker. The Vampires were tired of having to drink a blood that was so rare, that due to not being able to feed, their powers were fading away. All the Vampires had left was their immortality.

The Vampires and Werewolves convinced the Witches to create a being so powerful that they would hold the balance of nature and what occurs. The Witches required this individual to never be able to interact with any of the species, for they did not want anyone to be able to persuade this individual. It took the Witches 100 Years to fully craft a spell for such a being, in the meantime there was peace on the earth. But every supernatural knew once this being was created, there would be no more peace and everyone would have to fight for their own kind. After the 100 Years, she grew out of the earth. She was wiser than the wisest wolf, witch, vampire, giant or siren. She was stronger than them all, faster than them all. But she had one weakness, loneliness. In the middle of the night she snuck out, she began to create beings that weren't supernatural in any form. She called them humans, and she loved her humans.

The Supernatural beings were jealous that their Queen loved a creature so weak. Soon the Vampires realized that their Queen had done them a favor. She created a life form that wasn't filled with magic, a life form that could feed the vampires for eternity. The wolves found this species useful too, the new species had new technology, technology that wasn't bound to spells or magic. And the witches saw humans as perfect, they were a people to be protected. The giants had died off in the war and the remaining sirens loved to fiddle with the men of human kind. All supernaturals were happy with their Queens different creations. There was a balance and peace restored to earth. At that moment forward, they called her their mother. Mother Nature was her name. She began to create other life forms, forms in the sea and on land. She didn't stop there, she created so many different life forms that the earth was no longer surrounded in darkness. She was a gracious force, she allowed creatures to die but would always replace them with a new form. She knew how balance truly worked and kept it that way. One night while in her castle she realized that she was all alone. She had been on the earth for over 300,000 years and was all alone. She never had anyone to talk with, never had anyone to love. She realized that she needed her own child, all other creatures had their offspring and why couldn't she have her own form of offspring too?

She began to work her magic in her own way, she birthed her own child, but the other supernaturals saw this child as weak and too much of a human so they killed him. She then birthed a second child 100 years late, but the Witches and Vampires saw the child too much in favor as the wolves, so they killed him as well. She then birthed her third child, a little girl. Everyone knows that witches can only be girls and this was the Vampires and Werewolves greatest nightmare, so they killed the little girl before her third birthday. Finally she birthed a child like the Vampires, the wolves and Witches would not have this, so they killed this child as well. Mother Nature begged the different beings to stop killing her children. But they wouldn't listen, each child she had was too similar to another species. Mother Nature was about to give up until she had the greatest idea possible; she was going to have a child that was a mixture of all of the supernaturals. As soon as they heard whisper of such a child, the supernatural creatures began to hunt out this child. Constantly attacking the castle and never allowing Mother Nature peace. She finally decided that the child would have to be hidden away, somewhere the supernaturals would never think of. She would hide her daughter, Aurora, with the humans. After she birthed her child, she fled the castle in the night. It took years of planning on how she was going to make her escape. But she finally figured it out, there was one night a year that all supernaturals would be too busy to go after her children. It was the day of celebration, the day that all three beings could coincide with one another, or the day the war had ended.

Mother Nature raced Aurora to her safety, she hid her with a special spell that hid the scent of such a powerful creature. Aurora would live out her life as a normal human girl. Mother Nature would watch over her, never so much that one would know Aurora was her daughter, but to the point of where Aurora would never die. On Aurora's 18th birthday she will finally figure out who she is and how to unite all three beings before it's too late. 

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