Chapter 12: At U.A.

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This fandom keeps ruining itself more and more.

Izuku woke up as his alarm clock on his phone rang. He reached over on his end table and turned it off and sat up in his bed as he rubbed his eyes and let out a yawn.

He got off and went into his bathroom and grabbed his tooth brush and brushed his teeth and combed his hair which proved useless.

Afterwards he got out his police uniform and put it on and his gun and other things.

He opened his mother's room to find her still asleep. He went over to her side and placed a small peck on her forehead.

"Love you mom" Whispered Izuku.

He quietly walked out of the room slowly closing the door and he then went outside his house where Ochako was already waiting for him.

"Hey Deku" Said Ochako.

"Hey Ochako. Sorry to keep you waiting" Said Izuku walking up to her.

" I just came out anyway. Let's get going" Said Ochako.

They began to walk to their first day at patrolling U. A. and soon arrived at the place. The school wall was still destroyed with tape all over it.

They went around and walked into the hallway and went to their office.

"Hello?" Called out Izuku.

"Hello there!" Said a voice.

Izuku and Ochako looked ahead to see a small dog rat thing turn around in a chair.

"I'm the principal of the school. My name is Nezu!" Said Nezu sipping his cup of tea.

" W-what are you? " Asked Ochako.

" Good question! But for now let's talk about what exactly you two will be doing! Unfortunately we lost a few students and a teacher when we were unexpectedly attack. In fact some students who were still alive or injured quit. In fact we only have a handful of first years left. Most of the upperclassmen stayed however. " Said Nezu.

He took a look at Ochako as he ran out of tea.

" Ah I think I remember you. You took the exam this, am I correct?" Asked Nezu.

" I don't want to talk about it" Said Ochako.

" Forgive me. Anyway since a lot of students left some have wondered if it is even safe here. As such we requested more help. But since we couldn't get any more heroes, we turned to the police" Said Nezu.

" What exactly are we going to be doing here? " Asked Izuku.

" Mainly just go to class and class. Which we only have students left to form one class in first year making class 1-A which includes a support hero. And report any trouble immediately as well as dealing with it. Any questions? " Asked Nezu.

" No sir! " Said both Ochako and Izuku.

" Then you may go. And be careful. Don't go throwing away your lives. You are both quite young" Said Nezu turning back around in his chair.

Izuku and Ochako both left and walked around.

"These doors are pretty big Deku" Said Ochako.

"There are some quirks out there that can change a person's size so they probably made them big so anyone can fit. " Said Izuku.

Ochako stopped at one door and looked inside the room.

"It's completely empty" Said Ochako.

"I guess students getting killed got to most of these people." Said Izuku.

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