THIRTEEN: Conclusions

Start from the beginning

Both Mina and Hagakure were completely over the moon about cheering, unlike the others, and the crowd was loving it. They had to learn that, sadly, fan-service was part of being a female hero, like it or not. I knew at least that much. Sex appeal got us places, and despite the fact o completely disagreed with it, they had to know what to expect in the future.

"(Y/N), get back up here..." Aizawa's voice carried down to me as he muttered into his microphone, and I turned to the viewing box, making a big cross with my arms. Was it to spite him? No, not at all. He just needed to loosen up a little.

After a bit of coaxing from me and my two excitable companions, the girls warmed up to the idea, and I managed to get them to do a small routine before they decided to scurry back inside to get changed. Approaching the pair of troublesome boys, I gave them a smile, tapping each of them on the head with my pom-poms.

"Witty, I'll give you that...but don't think I won't be ratting you out to Shota. Just look at PornClub like every other guy." They could only manage to nod as I turned away, handing my fluffy accessories to a flushed Sero, who had obviously come over to take a quick look see. "Would you be a dear and keep these safe for me? I wanna keep them, but Shota'll confiscate them."

"Uh...y..yeah, s..sure..." He avoided my shielded eyes as he took them from me, and I internally chuckled as I left the arena, choosing to stay in my snazzy new outfit instead of changing back into my boring clothes.

When I returned to the viewing box, a new can of Mirk'ola in hand, I was met by an agitated mummy and a snickering banana.
"That was a ridiculous, insensitive prank, (Y/N). How do you think those girls felt?" He began to scold me, and my mood dropped.

Not like it was my plan to begin with...

"It was Kaminari and Mineta, actually. Yeah, I kind of gathered you didn't organise that shit, but you and I both know that they need to prepare to be exploited as female heroes..." I sighed, shutting the door and moving to sit on the desk near the back. "It sucks, but that's how it is. Besides, they ended up having fun. Even though it started off as two hornballs searching for spank bank material, I think it built their confidence up a bit."

Aizawa glared at me for a while, possibly considering my reasoning, and Yamada just sat there, waiting for the verdict.
"Don't try pinning this on children. You should know better than this." When I realised he hadn't believed me, it hurt. Was I that untrustworthy? Did he really think that little of me? Yes, I had played along, but I never would have started the ball rolling.

"You know what? I'm not even gonna try and argue with you right now. I'm obviously some kind of antagonist in your eyes." Pulling my knees up to my chin, I stared down at my can, trying to ignore the twisting feeling in my stomach. I adored Aizawa, but how he felt towards me was hot and cold. One minute, he was relatively kind, but the next, it was shit like this. I never usually reacted the way I was, but for some reason it was different.

"Come on, you two..." Yamada stared awkwardly, glancing between us. "I'm sure this is a misunderstanding! After this last tournament, we'll have a big ol' talk and hug it out, right?!"


Once the festival had ended, with a feral Bakugou nearly biting the golden medallion clean in half, I left. On my own. I could have easily slipped away and gone wherever I wanted, but instead I just returned to Aizawa's, easily breaking in through the kitchen window.

In my room, I began scanning through my notebook, studying each and every name, and how much I owed. It didn't take long for a knock to sound, the ravonet entering before I said I word.
"You can't just take off like that, no matter how sulky you get." He sighed, obviously unimpressed.

Glancing up at him for a brief moment, I quickly returned my gaze to the tattered pages, flipping through them a little more aggressively than before.
"I came straight home, like a good little girl, didn't I?" I snipped, ignoring the urge to start an actual argument.

Exhaling slowly, Aizawa approached the end of the bed, placing a hand on the frame post.
"After some deeper thought, I suppose it does sound like those two to pull such a thing. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions..." Rolling my eyes, I dropped the book in my lap and looked to the side, tongue clicking loudly.

"Well, you did. I get that I act like a dumbass sometimes, but I know when to draw a line. If I thought that it would have hurt those girls in any way, I wouldn't have gone along with it." The silence between us was heavy, and I wanted it to end. We had argued in the past, as kids, but it had never been completely serious. For some reason, this time it had really gotten to me.

"I can see that now. My intention wasn't to offend you..." His fingers tapped against the post, and I closed my notebook, slipping it back under the pillow where it lived.
"Right. Anyway, I'm tired. Could you maybe leave me alone?"

I don't actually wanna be alone...but after that, I kinda feel like shit around you...

His tapping paused, and I glanced up to find him with a cocked brow, looking at me with mild disbelief.
"I witnessed you drinking at least seven sodas today. There's no way you could be tired after that, especially when I've seen what sugar does to you."

Was that his way of saying he didn't want to leave? I wasn't sure, but either way, he'd upset me.
"Well, my body says otherwise, so if you don't mind, I'd like to crash out." There was no way I would actually get to sleep any time soon. It was barely six in the evening, and he had been right. With that many sodas, I was in for a long night.

He was definitely taken aback, but he respected my request, gaze lingering for a moment before he began to back himself towards the door.
"Alright...well, there's no class for the next four days, with the second and third year festivals and the weekend, so you're welcome to sleep in..."

He halted in the doorway, waiting for some kind of response, and after a while I caved, running a hand through my (H/C) hair and nodding.
"Yeah, great. Keep the door open. The cats like to come and keep me company at night..."

With the way he stared back at me, I could sense his desire to apologise, but something got in the way. Be it pride, or guilt, whatever it was cut that thought short.
"Sure. Goodnight, (Y/N)..."


***Trash? Trash.

Every part of my body seems to be having problems lately and I want to scream.

Next Time: What About Trust?***

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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