FOUR - House Rules

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"Holy shit, man! It's colder than a snowman's tiddy in here!" I complained as I entered the house, feeling my way along the wall. "Your electric bill must be crazy expensive!" It was as though I had stepped through a portal straight into the arctic tundra. The wild humming of the air conditioner blocked the sound of traffic from outside, and my skin began to prickle with goosebumps.

"I prefer it this way. If it bothers you, then sleep outside by the trash." Aizawa mumbled as he walked past me, snatching my small bag from my hand and leaving me by the entryway.
"Hey, I'm not too thrilled about this arrangement either, Shota, but at least I'm not being a prick about it..."

At least you don't have to keep your eyes covered twenty four seven...

The man didn't respond to me, and from the sound of his footsteps, he disappeared up a flight of stairs, leaving me alone and kind of frustrated. Continuing on my path, I moved along until I nearly fell through an open archway, breaking away from the wall and using my toes as a guide. Once they hit against something solid, I reached out, feeling the plush cushioning of what I assumed was a couch. Leaning against it, I waited for the man to return.

"You know, you can take that thing off. I trust you not to look me in the eye." Aizawa announced, walking past the room. Shaking my head, I remained where I was, rubbing my arms to warm them up.
"Don't trust myself. Besides, why would you? I could just use my quirk and loot this joint." I scoffed, even though the offer was incredibly tempting. Backtracking, his steps surprisingly quiet for a grown man, he returned to where I was.

"I'm organising something to help with it, but in the meantime I don't want you stumbling all over the place. I'll chance it. Just take it off. Looks like it could use a wash, anyway." Feigning offence, my hand flew to my chest, a dramatic gasp nearly causing me to choke.
"I washed it two days ago, thank you very much!" Pausing, I registered the first thing he had said. "Wait, what? There's nothing you can do about it though?"

My body began to feel a tad jittery as he approached me, his aniseed scent accompanied by the faintest smell of black pepper. With my eyes out of commission, I could actually detect an array of different scents coming from the man alone, but those two were the strongest. I instinctively flinched when I felt his hands take hold of my blindfold, and I squeezed my eyes shut immediately as he pulled it down to hang around my neck.

"I sought the help from the head of the support department. Maijima has worked with a staggering variety of quirks, and we think we may be onto something." Aizawa's breath was fanning onto my face, and it reeked of bitter coffee. "My eyes are closed, by the way. You can do whatever you want, just stay out of my room and don't look my cats in the eyes. Or me, preferably."

Cautiously, I lifted my lids, the first thing my vision adjusting to being Aizawa's scruffy, sleep deprived face. He wasn't too close, and as promised, his eyes were shut.
"Your kitties are fine. My quirk only seems to work on humans...Not sure about the Sanrio reject, though..." I murmured, giving his chest a light punch before stepping around him, wandering off into the house.

The colour scheme was a dull monotone, and everything seemed incredibly bare. The only vibrant colour I could spy was a huge yellow sleeping bag, strewn over one of the kitchen barstools.
"Eat whatever. I don't cook much, but there are bits and pieces around in the kitchen." Aizawa called out, and I hummed in vague acknowledgement, too busy memorizing the layout of the house in my head, so I could move about with my eyes closed if needed.

"No offence, but I really pictured you living in a pissy little apartment, Shota." Reaching the dining area, I tapped my nails against the wooden table, enjoying the loud clicking noise.
"Cut it out. That's mahogany." I yipped in surprise as something whacked me up the side of the head, and I turned to glare at the man's kneecaps.
"It's painted pine, dummy. I can smell it. My nose knows all." I huffed, choosing to step away from the table and advance towards the staircase.

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