SEVEN: Teamwork

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I likely looked like a feral animal as I fought against Thirteen's hold, but she was stronger than me.
"Eraserhead is stronger than you think! He told you to stay for a reason! We need to protect the students!" I knew she was right, but that didn't change my mind. Aizawa was just one man. A man who was important to me, albeit a pain in the ass.

"If I think he needs help, you can't stop me..." I muttered, giving in to her yanking so suddenly that her final tug sent me stumbling backwards into one of the kids.
"H..he'll be fine, (Y/N). He's a pro, after all..." It was my monkey man, and he helped me stand back up.
"Pro or not, he's one against dozens..." I replied quietly, my adrenaline building.

"Come on, now! This is no time for analysis! We must evacuate!" The bespectacled boy began to shout, and Ojiro grabbed my hand, pulling me along into a sprint with the others.
"I won't allow that." Suddenly, the air became cold, and my heels dug into the earth, body frozen solid. I had no idea why. "Greetings. We are the League of Villains. Forgive our audacity, but today we have come here, to Yuuei highschool, this bastion of heroism, to end the life of All Might, the symbol of peace."

Suddenly I can't breathe so well...

The next few words the villain spoke were lost on me. Normally, I wouldn't be phased by such a confrontation, but there was something different about this. It was almost familiar, but I couldn't quite understand why.
"Not if we end you first!" That was Bakugou's voice, and the scent of burned sugar told me that there had been some kind of explosion. His quirk, I assumed. Quite obviously pointless once the villain continued.

"That indeed was close. Yes, students though you may be, you certainly are the best of the best..." His words seemed genuine, but held an eerie tone. Something bad was about to happen, but before I had a chance to rip off my blindfold, the world began to spin. Ojiro's hand slipped from mine, and I dropped to the ground, flat on my stomach. Screams and yells whirled around, growing fainter and fainter, until they vanished completely.

I can't just lay here like a dead fish..!

Pushing up into a crouch, I tore my blindfold off and opened my eyes as wide as I could, ready to turn the fucker to stone. Black wisps consumed the entrance, like a midnight vista, and the glowing, topaz eyes in the center met mine in an instant.
"Get out of the damn way, you noxious cloud of shit..!" I hissed, feeling Thirteen move up to stand by my side.

Nothing happened.

Despite looking directly into his eyes, he didn't freeze. He just stared back, his swirling movement only slightly slowing.
"You have a striking gaze, Miss, I must express. Pity that whatever you intended has failed. Many apologies." There was something about his voice that left a lump in my throat that just wouldn't go down.

I can't help here...I'm useless against him...but Thirteen...I know what I have to do.

Spinning on my heel, I began to sprint in the opposite direction, nearly knocking Iida to the ground as I passed.
"What are you doing?! You were told to-"
"I don't give a flying fuck at the moon, Specs! My quirk won't work on him, but it can help Shota!" Launching myself from the top of the stairs, I slightly regretted my decision as the ground got closer. The landing, as expected, sent a shooting pain up from my ankle, but that was nothing.

There was Shota, a few hundred yards away, surrounded, yet going strong. I intended on making him just a little stronger. Ignoring my obviously twisted ankle, I sprinted towards him, breaking through the pack of villains before spinning, my back pressing to Aizawa's.
"What the hell are you doing?! I told you to-"
"He teleported the kids somewhere! My quirk isn't working against him, and I decided that you're not the boss of me right now, so just say thank you and kick some degenerate asses!"

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