SIX: Unforseen

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It had been two days since I had started class, and Aizawa was completely, one hundred and fifty percent done with my shit.

At home, he would ignore my existence, and at school he would just gag me with his capture weapon if I got too mouthy. It wasn't ideal, but at least I was being fed. The bitter pro was now over by his desk after announcing some sort of field trip, and once the students had cleared out, I approached him.
"So, where are we going?" I asked curiously, tapping my toe against the leg of his desk.

"The Unforseen Simulation Joint. USJ." Aizawa replied with a yawn, folding up his sleepingbag so he could shove it under his desk. Quirking a brow, only one thing popped into my head.
"Universal Studios Japan..." I murmured out loud. "There's gotta be some copyright infringement there." Hearing the faint click of the man's heels, I began to follow, quietly counting each step.

"It's easier for the students to remember. If you hadn't already realised, most of them are about as daft as you are." His insult ticked me off, but just before I opened my mouth to retort, my face met with the door frame. I would have fallen right on my ass if a hand hadn't shot out and grabbed me by the arm. "Point proven."

I'm not daft...

Rubbing my now sore head, I grumbled, hunching my shoulders.
"Oh, shut it, Shota..." There was quiet for a while, and I began wondering why he hadn't let go of me yet.
"You're usually pretty good at getting around blind. Why the sudden pinballing?" Was that concern in his voice? No, I was definitely hearing things.

"I've only been here for like, what, two days? It takes time to memorize the floor plans..." I explained, mildly embarrassed. "The streets are one thing, because I've walked them a thousand times...but this school? Shit's complicated, man." Again, silence, but when I felt a tug on my arm, I was soon walking along, guided by my favourite ravonet.

He either cares, or he doesn't want to deal with the paperwork that would come with me falling down a few flights of stairs and breaking my neck.

"You're doing pretty well, then, if that's the case." He mumbled quietly, his grip on my arm relaxed, but more than enough to keep me steady. Sneakily, I reached up with my free hand and peeked out from under my blindfold, kind of smiling at the man, who was looking dead ahead.
"Aw, thanks! Also, you know if you really want to hold my hand, that's fine!"

Never would I ever tire of hearing that exasperated groan of his. Of course I liked having Aizawa as a friend, but I also liked being a cause of his slightly raised blood pressure.
"I would rather have my arm twisted clean off." Snickering, I leaned into his side, nudging him with my hip.
"I knew you were a masochist at heart, you cheeky boy."

And that was the story of how I was abandoned in the middle of the Yuuei hallway.


"Duty! Of! Care!" Present Mic wagged his finger in Aizawa's face as I stood beside him, nodding along. "If you aren't gonna take responsibility for her then I'll take her in!" Pausing my nodding, I pouted, crossing my arms.
"I'm not a dog, but go off I guess."

Once my banana buddy had finished scolding my carer, we boarded the bus, and I made sure to take the seat right next to the kid with the tail. I could feel him stiffen the moment I sat down, but I made sure to keep my teasing to a minimum. I genuinely wanted to befriend some of the kids, not terrorise them. Mostly.

"So...uh...are you going to be participating in the rescue training, (L/N)?" Ojiro asked curiously whilst he watched me tap my knees to a silent rhythm.
"Me? Probably not, Tails. A bit hard to see what I'm doing." I chuckled, secretly a little annoyed that I wasn't joking. "I'll probably just sit around and listen to you guys do your thing. Part of the whole deal is that I have to go wherever Shota goes."

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