Chapter 5

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Third Person's POV

"What are we gonna do now?" Yuna asked.

All of them are now thinking for a solution on how to revive the gameplayer since charging it didn't work.

"Ugh! It's already the weekend, we're supposed to have some fun and yet, here we are using our last two brain cells!" Kai complained. "If only I didn't bumped with McGrunks" He pouted.

"That's it!" Chaeryoung exclaimed which caused the others look at her "McGrunks! McGrunks is our solution for this. We can ask McGrunks about this! Even if we're not sure it belongs to him, it's never bad to try"

"Oh my god. Chaer! Your such a genius" Yeji praised.

"Then let's go!" Ryujin said and was about to stand up from the couch but Yuna stopped them.

"Wait! What about him?" She asked and pointed at Beomgyu. "We can't just let him go out looking like that"

"You've got a point" Ryujin said.

"And besides, it's our fault that we brought him here. So might as well take this responsibility" Yeji remarked.

"Aha! Yeonjun give him some of your clothes" Chaeryoung said.

"Whaaat? But I only have enough for the weekend"

"Wait I can do it! I mean, a fabulous person like me is always preapared when it comes to fashion" Kai said while flipping his not-so long hair sassily.


"Hey guys, he's ready" Yeonjun announced as he went down.

Yeonjun and Kai volunteered to give a little make over with Beomgyu at the guest room upstairs.

"Here he comes~ Drum roll please!" Kai said and Yeonjun started to make the table a drum.

"Hey! Stop that. You'll break it" Yuna warned which made Yeonjun stop and Kai tp whine.

So in the end, Kai had to do what he has to do.

"Dugdugdugdug… Rrrrrrrrrr,  rooooooogugug"

"What is he doing?"

"Trying to imitate a drumming soun—oh, Beomgyu your here! And wow, you look…" Yeji was speechless and so as the others.

He's wearing a grey hoodie and under it you can see a plain white t-shirt since it wasn't zipped all the way through and was paired with ripped jeans and glasses for… well, jewelry. It was just casual clothing but his silver hair and natural look just adds it all up. And also the fact that he looks cleaner than earlier, no more twigs, dirt and leaves covering him. Sure, his scars was still there but was already treated and just made him look more cool.

"Oh my…"

"Gosh. You guys did a pretty good job" Chaeryoung finished Yuna's phrase before praising Yeonjun and Kai.

"Why thank y—" before Kai could continue and starts to compliment himself Yeonjun cutted him.

"Kai didn't do anything. Beomgyu just went picking some of Kai's clothes"

"What do you mean me?! You also didn't do anything and hey, at least they're my clothes " Kai emphasized.

"Well, that's my glasses and I'm the one who made him wear it" Yeonjun retorted.

And the bickering goes on.

While the two were bickering Ryujin noticed that the so-called Silver Knight was obviously enjoying this.

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