Part 2

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It has been a couple of weeks since Beej has found out about my cuts so far I've been doing pretty good. I look at my arms and see the cuts are slowly healing and scaring over. But at the cost of my healing Beej has been very clingy recently almost like he doesn't trust me. He won't let me around the blades for shaving or anything that is sharp, instead he insists that he shaves my legs for me and to be honest I have let him do it. I will also let him cut the veggies and fruits for making my lunches. I just kiss him on the cheek when he does so that he will smile and enjoy himself while doing it.

        To be honest I have had urges to do it but I have been stopping myself this whole time trying to be good. I haven't told Beej either I just feel if I do I will just be bothering him especially since he's been trying his best to be supportive of me.

I snuggle up to Beej and nuzzle into his chest. Noting that it is very soft I wrap my arms around him as a smile slowly carved it's way onto my face. I look up at him and watch him for a bit as he seems to be In thought. He looks down at me and smiles back at me, I go to kiss him on the cheek and then get back to being comfortable. I feel his arms wrap around me pretty tightly. I feel safe while he's around. I fall asleep due to the comfort that I am feeling with him holding me.

        I wake up a few hours later to notice that he is no longer in bed with me. I think to myself 'maybe he had to do something' I get up from where I am and start to move to the kitchen. I look for some food but notice a note on the fridge saying "I will be back In a few hours need to take care of something" I just stare at the note for a minute. I haven't been alone in couple of weeks he's been here the whole time just to make sure I've been ok. I look down at the ground thinking to myself how much I have burdens my boyfriend. Tears start to roll down my face but I stop them soon after when I go to sit on the couch. I haven't eaten anything in the past few hours but right now I don't seem to care. To caught up in my own self pity I get up from the couch and start to look for a blade that I could use. I look in the highest cabinet the one Beej would use when he didn't want me getting to stuff since I can't reach it. I climb onto the counter and look inside the cabinet "hm nothing there" I say to myself. Then it clicks with me I go to one of my secret hiding spots that Beej doesn't know about.

I go upstairs and head under my bed grabbing the loose floorboard as I lift it I find my secret stash of blades. I take one and head off to the bathroom. I look at my cut up arm and look at the stitch that he did for me I then notice most of my marks have healed up except for that one. I take the blade and cut gently at my arm wincing at the pain but also feeling relief wash over me from the feeling of the pain. It wasn't a very deep but at all so I just put a bandage over it trying to make it seem like it was an accidental cut like I fell. I go back under my bed and put the blade back where it was and cover it up with the floorboard. I come out from under my bed as Sit back down on my bed feeling satisfied with myself.

I hear some noise come from down stairs so I head down to check it out. I see that Beej has grocery bags he sets them down on the table. I wave at him and he smiles "I see your awake so did you just wake up or have you been up" he says looking at me up and down. I smile and say "I've been up for maybe a half an hour" a since of guilt washes over me as I remember what I just did I mask it with the smile I have on "I did end up falling and cut my arm a little bit I seems to be fine I bandaged it up" I say with the same smile on my face. He walks up to me and looks at my arm seeing that it is a little dirty. Probably from the "fall" he kisses me on the cheek and continues to put some stuff away for me I walk up to him and start to help him put some of the things away.

          We finish putting the groceries away and I sit on the couch and pat the spot next to me he sits down next to me. I put on a horror movie and watch it with him nuzzling into the crook of his neck. I look up at him and see him plotting something. He looks down at me with a mischievous look in his eyes and a evil smile. He then starts to tickle me, I laugh really kicking trying to squirm away but he grew extra limbs to hold me down. I start to cry from laughing so hard he then stops because he hears the doorbell ring.

         I go over to the door to open it and look up and see my mom and stepdad at the door. I looks at them shocked "Mom, (stepdads name is Sean in this story) Sean what are you doing here" I say. My mom pushes through me to get into my house as she looks around and sees Beej sitting on the couch "y/n who is this" she says with a look that says you can do so much better. I look up at her nervous as I turn towards Sean to see that he is also looking at him in a very judgmental way. Having both parents in the house I then say "what are you guys doing here you never texted or called to tell me you were coming" I say looking at them like why are you here you came at the worst time "we came to check out how you are doing and we are also going to spend the night over here so we can spend time with you" I look at them with shock "you could have called first" I say with an annoyed tone of voice. Sean chimes in before my mom can speak "hey don't give you mom attitude we tried to call you a few nights ago but you wouldn't answer" I look at my phone and see no missed calls "well my phone never received those calls" it would have been nice to get a little heads up before though" I say in a quiet time trying not to anger or start a lecture from Sean.

My mom goes back into the conversation "so who is this young man" she says eyeing him up and down. I see her doing this "he's my boyfriend betelgeuse he's named after the tenth brightest star in the sky" I say with a huge smile on my face. He stares at me in shock and blushes with his hair turning a little shade of pink. Soon after the shock subsided from him he has a sofia smile appear on his face. I look over back at my mom "so why exactly are you spending the night here at my house it's not entirely prepared" I say staring at them. My mom glances over at me and then starts to unpack her suitcase "we are here to make sure you are doing ok with the whole living alone thing since this is all new for you" she says looking into my eyes. I roll my eyes and lead them upstairs and take them to there room "oh yeah by the way Beej is staying with us" I say closing the door behind them and walking into my room.

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