Chapter 2: At School

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(Kylie's POV)

3 Hours later....

We were in the limo Aunty Aleena was at the front, (she keeps telling me to call her Aleena since she thinks of me as her own daughter and she basically cared me, since my Mum and Dad disappeared I keep on forgetting to old habits die hard I guess).

Sonia and me were behind mom watching the video, when I poured water on Sonic we burst out laughing.

Sonic and Manic were behind us Manic was laughing while Sonic was rolling her eyes.

" Kids we are here." Aleena smiled.

Me and Sonia started looking out the window. " I can't wait to go back to Emerald high and since we are in 10th grade it's going to be great, I wonder who my roommate." I said.

Sonia nodded "If we are roommates that'll be great." Sonia smiled and I nodded.

We all got out of the limo with our packages and suitcases. Aunty Aleena smiled and teared up, she gave us all a hug and said "I hope you work hard and have fun while your here please come visit home once in a while."

We all nodded and with that Aleena got into the limo to drive back home. We started walking to where the dorms are.

As we were walking I saw Sonic on his phone texting Sally. I rolled my eyes in annoyance why is he dating her she doesn't deserve him, honestly me, Sonia and Manic tried to explain that, Sally is a bully and hurts people behind his back, but he doesn't believe us I bet she is cheating on him.

"So what are you guys looking forward to this year?" Sonia asked.

I smiled " I'm looking forward to doing all the clubs I was doing before we went home for the summer holidays like: football, dance, singing, athletics and my absolute favourite basketball."

Sonic/Manic/Sonia: " That's great."

I'm looking forward to doing band practice with my band." Manic said.

We nodded.

"I'm hoping to get back into my piano lessons I was the president at the club." Sonia smiled.

Kylie/Manic/Sonic: "Cool."

"I'm hoping to go back to football club and athletics you know I am the captain of the Athletics team. Also taking Sally out on dates as well."

Kylie/Sonia/Manic: -_-  -_-  -_-

"Why are you all staring at me like that?"

"Well Sonic what you said was nice except for the Sally part." Kylie said. Sonia and Manic just nodded.

We were chatting and smiling until someone bumped into me and I fell on the floor. I was glaring and just about to give them a piece of my mind till I saw his face.

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