9.fun facts

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"Still unconscious?"Minchan asked as he entered the room,yeonho was on the mattress as hoyoung was watching over him

"Still asleep"hoyoung answered as he dampened a towel and wiped yeonho's forehead

"It's been a week already"yongseung commented as he sat beside dongheon"when do you think he'll wake up?"

"I don't know"dongheon sighed and went to hoyoung "you should take some rest, let me watch over him for now"

"No I'm fine"hoyoung reassured him "it's the least I can do"

"Well you should since it was your fault in the first place"gyehyeon said from the other side of the room

"Gyehyeon stop"dongheon turned to him "how many times do I have to say it was nobody's fault"

"No he's right"hoyoung looked down"if I paid more attention......."

"Don't beat yourself up"minchan said to him"what happened happened,it wasn't anyone's fault"

"it WAS my fault"hoyoung clenched his fists "I just zoned out and stopped there......in the worst time possible,it's my fault in every single aspect"

"Drama queen"gyehyeon scoffed as he folded his arms

"You're the one who started it in the first place"minchan looked at him

"So what? He just took the opportunity to make it all about himself"

"Oh really?"hoyoung stood up and went to gyehyeon"then what am I supposed to do to satisfy you mister?"

"Excuse me,did I say something that hurt your feelings?your highness?"

"Calm down you two, It's not the best Tim to fight"yongseung tried to pull them apart to stop the fight but gyehyeon pushed him to the side and pulled hoyoung by the collar

"Listen to me mr.survivor"gyehyeon snarled without breaking eye contact "I'm nice enough for even staying in the room with you and telling you this small fact without sugarcoating,this is your fault,always has been,always will be,and even if things went back to normal I won't forgive you"

"At least I'm taking responsibilities of my actions"hoyoung held his arms and pulled them away "unlike you"

"You mean that pathetic act you just did?" Gyehyeon chuckled as he placed his hands in his pockets "that act won't trick anyone,so stop acting all guilty because it won't bring you good"

"That's enough"dongheon yelled as he glared at them "how many times do I have to say it,you don't have to get along,just don't fight for stupid reasons"

"But if it wasn't for him-" gyehyeon argued but dongheon cut him

"It would be another person,all of us got injured and got his fair share of it anyways"dongheon yelled to knock him back to his senses "what happened happened,just get over it"

"What's going on here?"they turned their heads to source of sound and saw Yeonho sitting on the mattress,holding his head

"Yeonho"minchan went to him"are you okay?does your head hurt?"

"A little"Yeonho squeezed his eyes as he tried to stand up"what exactly happened?"

"Don't force yourself to stand up" dongheon gently laid him down "you hurt yourself really badly"

"Is that why it hurts so much?"yeonho covered his eyes and sighed "how many days did I miss?"

"What do you mean?"yongseung sat beside him,puzzled

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