Who is that? Pt 3/6

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Bakugou's P.O.V

I walked into the living room and I saw y/n, raccoon eyes, and the little girl sitting on the couch talking. Something was off with the little girl but I couldn't place what it was. She almost seemed familiar, it's really bothering me.

Y/N's P.O.V

Mina and Manami were getting along great. Which meant that I have one person that can watch Manami when I can't.

I noticed Bakugou walk into the room and I took this opportunity to look at his eyes. And lucky for me Manami and Bakugou's eyes are the same exact color. The weirdest thing is that Bakugou has been my crush since third grade, this type of thing doesn't happen.

"Y/n, your staring" Mina said and I shot my gaze towards her, "w-what?" I asked her and mentally cursed myself out for stuttering. "Ok, somethings definitely up. What is it?" Mina asked and I froze for a second. "Um, Manami, come here for a second" I asked her.

Manami give me a confused expression but did it anyways. I asked her the question I've been eager to know but at the same time not so eager about it. "Who's your dad?" I whispered to her "u-um, do you really want to know?" Manami asked and I nodded and she whispered his name to me and it's the exact person I thought it was.

"Is anyone going to explain what you guys are doing?" Mina asked and I whispered to her what Manami said and her face was one of surprise then it turned to mischievous "what are you thinking?" I asked her and she smiled a sly smile "I think you need to tell your crush of seven years that you like him or I'll get Manami to do it for you" Mina said and my eyes widened "n-no! Don't do that!" I yelled.

"Fine, but you have to tell him at some point" Mina said and I nodded in understanding.

It was nighttime now and Manami was passed out on my bed and I couldn't sleep. I've been trying to figure out how to tell Bakugou about what's happening without freaking him out but that's not possible. Because what's happening is crazy.

I got tired of sitting in my room staring at the ceiling so I left my room and went to the kitchen and got some water. I wasn't paying attention when I ran into somebody. Of course it was the person I've been avoiding "what the hell?" I heard Bakugou say has he looked down at me "what the hell are you doing up?" He asked.

"Um, getting water" I told him and walked around him and going back to my dorm. "Mommy?" I heard Manami say from the bed "go back to sleep, Manami" I told her and she nodded sleepily and fell back asleep almost immediately.

After a lot of thinking I went to bed.

I woke up to Manami jumping off of my bed and onto the ground. "What are you doing?" I asked her and she looked at me "I was trying to fly! Like a hero!" She yelled and I laughed "not all heroes can fly" I told her and she frowned "yes they do" Manami said.

"I don't fly" I told her and she looked at me confused "you cant?" She asked and I shook my head "nope, no flying for me" I told her.

"Y/n, your going to the mall, do you wanna come?" I heard Mina ask from outside my door "sure!" I yelled so she could hear me. "Ok!" She yelled back and I got ready for the day and Manami and I left my dorm. We met up with Mina, Uraraka and Momo and we left.

"Oh! By the way, the boys will be joining us later" Mina said and she sent me a look of 'I did this on purpose" and I felt instant regret. "Mina" I said to her as a warning. "What? I thought you needed a little push! So I pushed you!" Mina said and I sighed and came up with an analogy. "Mina, you don't push a child into the deep end if they can't swim. At the moment, I'm the child!" I yelled at her and I could feel the girls eyes on me.

"What's wrong, y/n? What's the problem with the guys?" Uraraka asked.

"It's not the guys, it's one specifically" Mina said and I glared at her. "Damnit, Mina" I said to her and she put on a nervous smile "they were going to find out one way or another, anyway" Mina said.

"I'm still not getting what the problem is" Uraraka said as she was just getting even more confused by the second. "There's something that I didn't tell you about" I said and Uraraka had a annoyed expression "I can tell, what is it?" She asked.

"Ok, this is gonna be very confusing. Manami is from the future and she's mine and Bakugou's daughter" I told them and I heard a laugh come from the two other girls "that's impossible, you can't time travel" Momo said and Uraraka looked at Manami then looked at me "you know what? I see the resemblance" Uraraka said and we continued the walk to the mall where the guys are supposedly going to meet us.

Uraraka and Momo asked Manami questions about the future and about relationships.

We got to the mall and Mina got a call from Kirishima. Once the call was done we found the rest of the class in the food court. "Hey, guys!" Mina said as she walked up to the table the guys were at. They all waved and Mina, Uraraka, and Momo looked at me and I gave them both a look telling them I don't want to do it here.

After a long few hours of shopping we all got home and I set my bags down in my room and I went back downstairs and I sighed as I saw a annoyed Bakugou. I walked up to him "hey, Bakugou. Can I talk to you for moment?" I asked and he pushed himself off of the wall "what?" He asked clearly annoyed."Um, well, it's about Manami. Shesfromthefutureandshesourdaughter" I said very fast.

"What the hell did you say?" He asked, I took a deep breathe "Manami is from the future, I know it sounds crazy and trust me it gets crazier" I said scratching the back of my neck. "Just get to the damn point" Bakugou said.

"You and I are her parents."

Ohhh! Slight cliffhanger! I'm gonna start making these "who are you?" chapters a little longer so I can fit all of the plot I want into them.

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