Chapter 15

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Hello everyone it's been a while I think so how is everyone feeling? Good I hope, well I don't really have anything to say except read my other books so let's get on with this chapter!

Authors POV
Bakugo sat completely still as he watched his beautiful boyfriend sleep soundly. He heard his phone ding from the table beside the bed and debated on watching his boyfriend sleep or seeing who that was. Deciding to pick up the phone, he saw it was a text from shitty hair.

7:36:Hey bakubro! The class was gonna have a party before we went back to school we were wondering if you and midoriya would come!

Can't you see how fucking early it is fucker!
We'll be there just give me a time! NOW STOP FUCKING TEXTING ME!

Bakugo put his phone on the table and turned to his boyfriend to see big emerald orbs looking back at him "good morning kacchan" izuku yawned as he slowly sat up just to be pulled back down by muscular arms "no we're going back to sleep" he grumbled as he snuggled izuku putting his face in his soft green hair "b-but kacchan its the morning we're gonna miss breakfast" izuku tried to protest and struggle against his boyfriends tight grip but to no avail. The greenette let out a huff as he stopped struggling letting him self be wrapped in his boyfriends warmth.

As izuku started to close his eyes once again, a loud knock was heard at the door followed by a angry growl coming from the blonde in the bed. "Come on kacchan I gotta get the door" izuku tried to get up but was once again held back "stay here they'll leave" bakugo mumbled out as he made no movement to get up. Once again a loud knock was at the door but this time the person continued to knock "ALRIGHT WE'RE COMING!" Katsuki shouted as he angry let go of the green haired boy to get the door

"WHAT THE FUC-" as bakugo went to cuss out the person at the door he was oh so rudely interrupted by a friend of deku's pushing right past him "is midoriya here?" "oh hey ??? what are you doing here so early" both the blonde and the mysterious person turned to the voice coming out of the bedroom "midoriya I was wondering if you wanted to come shopping with me and some of our classmates this afternoon" ??? asked as they walked closer to him "oh I'd love-" "he's busy" an angry voice growled out as the owner of it wrapped his arms around deku

??? POV (wasn't expecting this huh?)

I watched as bakugo wrapped his arms around MY deku 'get you disgusting hands off of him' I thought as I kept the plain look on my face "I wasn't asking you bakugo" I stated in a Moto tone voice glaring daggers at him as I kept my same look seeming unfazed. "What did you say to me?" "Kacchan stop it" at his words bakugo scoffed and walked away. "So what do you say midoriya? Will you come with us?" I asked walking closer giving him the softest smile I could muster"u-uh y-yea sure! I'd love to join you guys" 'yes! That means I'll be able to break off from the group and take him out to do things he likes and then I'll impress him so much he'll leave that disgusting thing he calls a boyfriend and come with me!" As I got lost in thought about my future husband and all the things we'd do together

I heard soft giggling coming from in front of me which broke me from my trance. I looked up to see bakugo holding deku by his waist kissing up on his neck whispering stuff to him as deku softly giggled in his arms. As he saw me staring he leaned up and began to whisper something else into his ear stopping izuku's giggles and making him blush furiously and as he did this he didn't take his eyes off me beginning to smirk at the cute greenette's blush.

'Enjoy it while it last bakugo because it won't be long before HE'S MINE'

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