Chapter 6

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We just gonna skip to when they got on the bus because nothing really happened between that time except deku walking home fan girling and packing with his mom

I got onto the bus looking around for a certain green haired nerd seeing as he is no where to be found. I sighed sitting down in an empty window seat ignoring the small chit chat with these extras. "Have anyone seen midoriya?" The sleep deprived hero asked about to sit down before a sleep looking nerd hopped on the bus "s-sorry I'm late I almost over slept!" He looked around the bus locking eyes with me then smiled softly. "Mhm just sit down so we can get moving" Aizawa said looking like he was bout to fall asleep on Fucking speaker phone (present mic) izuku walked past some of his friends saying hi before sitting down next to me "good morning kacchan!" I gave him a nod in acknowledgment staring as he sat down.

"So how did you sleep?" He asked giving me one of his of so cute smiles "better fucking you. You look like shit" I said making him giggle "Yea it was hard to fall asleep last night...without you" the last part wasn't above a whisper but I still heard it "oh really? Well then why don't you take a nap now" I reached my arm around him grabbing his shoulder and pulling him closer to me. His head fell on my shoulder and I placed mine on top of his relaxing my muscles at our closeness.

"WOW WHAT THE HELL!!" I looked over at the loud voice that could only be battery charger (denki). "What's going on over here?" Rock man and battery boy (mermaid man and barnacle boy) moved to the seats next to us looking like to girls tryna gossip. "None of your fucking business" I scowled not moving my arm an inch as I saw izuku had fallen asleep. "Oh come on bakugo spill the tea!" Pinky yelled literally on the edge of her seat "shut the hell up your gonna wake him up" I whisper yelled glaring at all of them. "Awww bakugo's the caring type"  pink cheeks cooed

"oh my fucking god can't you all just mind you damn business" "oh you know we can't do that bakugo" pink roach giggled out poking my arm "if I tell you will you leave me the hell alone" "probably" Electronic said "fine we and deku started dating-" "OH MY GOD I KNEW IT!!" Pinky squealed out "shut up dumbass!" I yelled at her looking over at deku as he moved a little. "Aw that's so cute" pink cheeks said making me roll my eyes.


We arrived at the hotel, me carrying deku and all our stuff because I didn't wanna wake him up, plus he wasn't that heavy. Aizawa sensei handed us or keys once we got to the main desk and told us our groups. I really wasn't listening after he said me and deku are sharing a room. He let us go and I went straight to my room to go lay deku down.

Once we got to our room I put deku in the bed and started to unpack our things. "kacchan?" I looked up at the bed to see a sleepy green haired boy rubbing his eyes. "Yes?" "Where are we?" "At the hotel deku""WHAT?! I slept the whole way here?! How did I get up here?!" "I carried you?" "Kacchan you should have woken me up! You had to carry all that stuff up here and you could have hurt yourself" he cried out getting out of the bed. "Your not that heavy calm down"

"But kacchan I have to make it somehow it isn't fair that you had to carry all the stuff up here" he pouted. A wicked idea popped into my head as I smirked at him. "Make it up to me how?" "W-well I could unpack the stuff or do whatever you want really..." he blushed looking away from me. "Well I know a something you could do for me~" I said moving closer to him.

"Be a good boy for me~"

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