the one with the pilot

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Theo is short for Theodore.

Allie is short for Allison.

Lyds is short for Lydia.

I'm Liam and I'm just short.

Hello there, I'm Liam, and you're about to hear my story, or as my friends like to call it, the story of the descendants.

When I got kicked out of Devenford Prep for, well, aggressive behavior, I made new friends! Questionable ones, considering that the 2 of them turned out to be mass murdering serial killers, aka The Orphans, and the third one was turned into The Beast of Gevaudan! I can't exactly call Hayden my friend, mainly because at first she wanted revenge, afterwards we got close and now she wants me all to herself.

Becoming a big bad beta with anger issues, or as one of the Originals likes to call me, a ticking time bomb or IED werewolf!
I should probably tell you about why I'm calling myself a descendant and the older ones- Originals. Mason and I are obsessed with TVD and everything related to it, the sequels and generations are kind of resembling to us continuing to protect Beacon Hills as Descendants or Legacies of the Original protectors, Scott, the True alpha who bit me, Stiles, the human and the brains, also the gay role model for my confused bi mind, Lydia, the badass queen banshee, Malia, the werecoyote, Kira, the kitsune, and so on.

While dealing with the drama I got acquainted with Theo Raeken, aka the bad guy, the chimera, the straight up hottie that I can't seem to let go of.

I guess that's it! Let's see what the future beholds!

Hey guys! I'm Alexandra! This is the pilot of Liam's Netflix Original Teen wolf sequel! I hope you like it! Got the idea from voidthiams edit on Instagram!
Make sure to check out my other Teen Wolf related AUs!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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"the little wolf"- Netflix Original inspired teen wolf fanfic sequelWhere stories live. Discover now