The Dare

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The next morning when i woke i put on my normal uniform and pulled the hem of my skirt up a bit to see Pauls reaction and made myself breakfast.

halfway through eating john came in and said to me groggily " did you actually do revision at emily's" i glanced down at the floor guiltily and said " no she ditched me for her  to either fuck or suck her boyfriends dick why do you want to know Johnny " he laughed at my language and got a glass of orange juice " knew it so what did you do then " i then gazed at him and deadpanned " i revised why " "oh no reason I just wanted to know what my baby sister is doing when I am not around"

he shook his head in disbelief before " where did you go " i rolled my eyes " why do you care where i went what's it to you Johnny" with this he caught on to the fact i went to paul's and said. "what did you do at paul's then sis since i know to you don't talk to anyone else , did you do anything i wouldn't do " " if  your saying or asking if I had either lost my virginity to him or we had sex the answer is no and why do you need to know "

i stood up and went to wash up my pots and said giving in so he won't ask more questions " i played guitar and revised nothing else " i lied to john only because he didn't need to know that i had fucked his friend since he would possible kill paul or chop off his dick .

he let it drop and went to get changed . we woke mimi and then left for school . pete walked with us and i stopped of at paul's who was walking towards us .

he laced his fingers in mine as we walked to school it looked platonic, brotherly in fact . He even wore a brotherly smile . as the day of the first four lessons went painstakingly slowly . i noted things down and as the lunch bell went i walked outside to the band and once i sat paul was being battered with questions about random things .

Ivan suggested we did truth or dare and i went along until i was asked truth or dare by paul . i saw the cheeky grin of his face so i chose truth and he asked biting his lips gently but it looked so sexy it turned me on , he even had a little blush

" have you ever had sex with a boyfriend of yours ." i look around the group who looked curiously over at me whilst I felt me face heat up and said " well ummm if you must know about my virginity yeah i have had sex ugghh you are the second person today to ask that , Look you happy now john knowing I am not as innocent as you think ."

john looked fuming whilst paul sat smirking next to me as he then asked me " who's dick do i need to chop off " i snickered and said " no ones i could have lied and not had sex with anyone John, but i could have lost my virginity but i also might not have i guess  you haven't Heard the rumours even though I basically told you ."

after a few turns i chose a dare and pete said " i dare you to give someone at this table a hand job or blowjob i will explain a handjob to you if you don't know what one is , and it has to be either this lunch or tomorrow lunch ." " i know what one is , i am not stupid . one of my mums old boyfriends had a son who needed to know how to jerk off he was 20 , it's the same thing but with my hand  and the other one is with my mouth not hand ."

i glanced at my watch and it showed half an hour so i said " anyone pete anyone at this table ." he nodded and i said again curiosity riddled through my voice " do i have to do it above the table pete" he shook his head as i carefully whilst looking like i was thinking,  with one hand on paul's knees sliding to his button and undoing it , which looked like it was on mine and the other propped up my chin .

" ok so anyone and under the table and either today or tomorrow quick question , uhh do they have to finish you know like cum "  he nods and i slyly unzip paul's zipper and slide my  cold hand into his underwear. He was hard as a rock and that made me blush lightly

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