mewgulf - for you - 💔

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(word count: 965)

things are going upside down.
a picture of mew and gulf kissing inside mew's car was leaked.
ever since then, mew's life is a complete mess of drama.

gulf feels useless. he has to sit by and watch all the hate comments roll in without being able to do anything since he and mew are currently on a social media ban. they can look at posts and such but aren't allowed to tweet or post.

"the show scheduled for next week just called and canceled."
"we lost two of our donors."
"they pulled out of the franchise deal?"

mew sits on the couch and listens to his staff spout off everything that's blowing up because of the leaked picture. gulf is by his side holding his hand but it's not making him feel better like it usually does.

"can you give me some space?" mew asks gulf as he takes his hand away. "i just need a second to breathe."

gulf is hurt a bit but he understands where mew is coming from. so without any protest gulf gets off the couch, kisses mew on the cheek and steps outside. he sits on the front step and looks out at the vast field in front of him. they had to move to a location where no fans or antis can find them since people have been camped out in front of both mew and gulf's house.

this is insane, gulf thinks to himself as he pulls out his phone and goes to twitter. he's not surprised to see over 3,000 notifications and knows mew probably has twice that much.

gulf smiles when he reads all the mewlions coming to mew's defense against the haters. his fandom is so sweet and protective. gulf finds himself laughing at his own fans, who have trended three different hashtags and created 2 new memes. his fandom has always been more funny when it comes to the defensive route and he's glad to see he still has people on his side.

however the more gulf scrolls, the more he sees the bad comments. people demanding the truth about mewgulf. people saying mew forced himself on gulf because gulf is straight.

gulf feels sick to his stomach and quickly closes out of the app. mew would never do anything to gulf that he didn't want and it's taking all of gulf's power not to send a tweet defending mew.

"this is all my fault." gulf mumbles to himself as tears well up in his eyes. gulf remembers exactly when and where the leaked picture was taken and mew insisted they shouldn't kiss but gulf whined and whined until mew gave in.

things won't get better for mew as long as i'm still here, gulf thinks to himself.
he knows what he has to do.
gulf wipes away the tears on his cheeks and dries his face before going back inside.

"mew, can i talk to you?" gulf asks.
the two go upstairs and into one of the guest rooms.

"what's going on? are you okay?" mew questions, instantly noticing the redness of gulf's eyes and the sadness on his face.

"no, not really." gulf tells him. "i think we should break up."

"what? what did you just say?"

"we're breaking up. it's over."

mew quickly gets to his feet and stares at gulf in shock. "why? why are you doing this? is it because of the picture? if it is then don't overreact, my team and yours will fix this."

gulf shakes his head and stares at the ground, avoiding eye contact with mew. if he sees the look on mew's face, he'll lose it.

"there is no fixing this. i messed up and you don't deserve to pay the price for it. it's better for you if we just break up." gulf says, quickly blinking his eyes before the tears fall.

"that's insane gulf!" mew exclaims, he himself crying. "please don't do this. i can't lose you right now."

gulf feels his heart break in his chest at the sound of mew's voice. he knew this was going to happen but actually hearing mew beg is a whole new level of upset.

"i'm sorry, mew. it's over." gulf says and moves to leave the room when mew grabs onto him desperately.

"gulf! you can't do this!" mew sobs as he hugs gulf from behind. "i love you. you hear me? i fucking love you. please don't leave."

"i love you too... trust me when i say this is the right thing to do."

gulf grabs mew's hands and throws them away. he feels awful for treating mew this way but it has to be this way.

"gulf...what can i do to make you stay? i'll do anything."

gulf turns to face mew and says "there's nothing to do. we'll be better without each other, you'll see."

"i'm nothing without you! don't you get that?"

gulf brings his hand up to wipe away the tears from mew's eyes. he's going to miss this handsome face. even as he's crying his eyes out, gulf thinks mew is so beautiful.

"this is for you. goodbye mew."

gulf softly presses his lips against mew's as tears escape from his eyes. mew tries to prolong the kiss but gulf breaks away and leaves the room. he can hear mew's loud sobbing through the door and his heart constricts in his chest. gulf runs down the stairs and outside to his car. once inside, gulf has a full breakdown and cries his heart out.

why does it have to be this way? mewgulf was supposed to be forever and now it's over.
gulf's done this for mew's sake but that doesn't make it hurt any less.

"this is for you, mew.
i'll love you always."

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