it swung open to a man who looked old , drunk and on his way out somewhere unknown who gruffly asked me as he looked over my body causing me to shiver and hide myself by pulling up my arms with the text books to cover my chest as that was what he was paying a lot off his attention to , he probably wasn't checking my body out but more likely trying to focus in something so that he didn't appear as he was drunk but I still felt as if this man was looking at me and my body making me feel self conscious

" who are you and why you here  little girly and why are you knocking on my door and  nine am on a Sunday" so i sternly yet politely said to him " i am a friend of paul's and i am here for revising sir is he home, I organised it a week ago and he said to come here at this time   " i show him my books waving them and he let me in with a scowl in his face . "His room of the first one on the left after the toilet just in case you didn't know" I obviously didn't know but I politely told the man " thank you sir"  and walked fairly quickly away since he smelt of alcohol and smoke which was disgusting

i walked up to paul's room and knocked on his door three times " hey bea , i got my revision things ready I was expecting you soon   ." he winked at me as he went along with what I was saying luckily he had heard the strange encounter with the man downstairs

he then pulled me into his room and  i settled on his bed . his room  was organised , very organised. For a teenage boy. Well except for his little desk piled with paper and reading books . That was adorable , he didn't strike me as a nerd but it's adorable. Yes I knew he was smart but he could just find the material that we learn easy and not challenging  enough for him

his dad , who I eventually found out , by Paul telling me so I could understand a little more was the man who answered the door then shouted up to Paul " i am going out with some friends paul i won't be back till later maybe tomorrow morning ." i heard the door slam as he left . Paul reopened his door a crack letting out a smile to me 

He let out a somewhat shaky exhale before he pondered " why you here love not that i mind that your here it's just a bit unexpected " " i am here since i thought i could practise guitar since i was supposed to revise but emily ditches since her boyfriend was there leaving me alone and I told mimi I would be out till a certain time . that's why i have revision stuff sorry for the zero notice but I couldn't call the landline in case people were listening in and such " he nods and pulled out his guitar

we played and practiced songs the band were learning as a group as we were taking turns strumming and singing . but after a couple hours paul put down his guitar and excused himself .

* paul's pov *

i stood up and went down the hall to the toilet. i loved the dress that she had on her , yeah it showed off her chest a bit but i didn't mind . she looked beautiful. she always did. No matter what she did she always looked beautiful and flawless . Even when she cries she is utterly beautiful , I never see an imperfection on her or about her

her dress different to normal but just as cute as the one when she was singing as she bounded down the stairs as she then got embarrassed

I know there are rumours going around but I refused to believe them I just can't see my sweet and adorable bea screwing almost everyone , she isn't like John who does actually does that .

I just can't and won't believe that the rumours are true , i can see that it's is affecting her a bit when someone whispers her name and it's not her fault someone's boyfriend cheated and said it was beatrice .

Many people see her as the nerd who is john lennon' sister and avoid her at all costs. That is probably because John could hit them and already scares the crap out of them so they just cower away form her , well the ones who don't know if the rumours are true those who know think there true cause trouble and stir the pot just to have a laugh

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