6 | 74 | A Ball Full of Death Eaters

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My parents pick me up from the train with solemn faces, though I pretend not to notice.

Of course, they brighten up at the sight of Evan and I, but I think this whole... Death Eater situation has taken its toll on them. I can only hope that my presence can cheer them up.

I mean, Heather and Pierre have been Death Eaters for a long time, right? They're still pleasant, they still act like normal people. Maybe it's just post-ceremony depression.

~ * ~ *
"Mom, look at these gloves!" I hold them out for her to see. "Evan got them for me for the one-year anniversary." Perhaps seeing them will cheer her up.

She smiles a bit, but it doesn't reach her eyes. "Those are adorable, Belle. Very nice."

"You look distracted," I comment, putting them back into their box until next winter.

She sighs. "I'm just wondering what you're going to wear for Heather and Pierre's summer ball."

"Oh, yeah." My cheeks redden when I recall the last time I had gotten to go to the Ball. It was the beginning of my fourth year, and I haven't gone since. The year after that, I didn't go because of Evan's complications with Ana Young. I didn't go last year because I ran away before I got the chance.

"I'm sure I have something," I assure her, already getting up to dig through my closet.

After a moment, I find a sequined black dress that comes just past my knee. It's not spectacular, but it'll do.

"Yes, that's lovely," my mother agrees, looking through my shoes. "And I'm sure it goes well with these." She holds up a pair of black ankle boots that miraculously still fit.

"Sure." I allow her to rifle through my jewelry. Obviously, I'm going to wear the onyx ring Evan gifted me, but that doesn't cut it.

Minutes later, she has my outfit picked out for me, and I don't think it looks too bad. I'm wearing the dress and shoes, dark hosiery, the ring, and a black, collarbone necklace. There won't be a pop of color on me at all, but that's alright with me.

When the day arrives for the Ball, of course I'm Evan's date, he picks me up.

I love his expression as he takes in my look. My mom did my hair - it's twisted into a French braid - and my makeup - dark lipstick with dramatic silvery eyeshadow. I look like an elegant, yet harrowing enchantress... And I love it.

Evan clearly loves my style as well. A smirk plants itself on his lips as he leads me into his own home.

"Evan, there you are," Heather says from her seat. "And Arabelle, how stunning you are!"

I gape at her own clothing, which is twenty times as striking as mine. She's wearing a lacy black casual dress with leaf-green jewelry to match, her hair perfect as always and tied into a sleek bun with no stray pieces of hair whatsoever.

"Hello, Heather! Sorry my mom couldn't make it." I bite my lip. "She says she had work to do."

"Oh, yes I am aware," she responds. "She told me all about it."

Taken aback, I just nod. Mom told Heather but not her own daughter? How untrustworthy does she think I am?

I decide that for once I won't dwell on it.

I allow Evan to lead me to the ballroom where there are already several couples with their children making acquaintances and greeting old friends. I think back to my parents, who got the mark after meeting several people here.

I look at their arms, but despite the weather, almost everyone is wearing long sleeves- not to mention dark clothing. My arms feel bare for once as I see the outfits of the people around us until I see a few more girls my age wearing short sleeve cocktail dresses and evening gowns.

I catch the eyes of a group of girls eyeing Evan and I. Evan looks over there to see them, too. "Don't worry, I'm all yours," he tells me.

To emphasize, he wraps an arm around my waist and kisses me full on the lips. Enjoying his sudden affection, I let go of any worries about girls and kiss him back.

When we part, I smile. He always knows how to calm me down.

At the food table, a young couple approaches us. "Young Evan and his partner, how are you?"

"Fine." Evan bows slightly, and I follow suit.

"I'm overjoyed to finally meet you, Miss Arabelle." The woman, thin and very pale, reaches a bony hand out. I shake it with renewed confidence. "I'm Renee."

"Pleasure." I flash her a small, brilliant smile.

"We've also met your parents," Renee adds, smiling. She reminds me of a bat, with her pale skin and dark hair.

"Oh?" My lips tighten at the possibility that these people didn't like them.

"Lovely people, of course," the man says. "We heard they've got the mark now."

"Yes, they have," I say, tilting my chin up defensively.

"That's wonderful news," he says, then pushes up his sleeve a bit to expose his own mark. I try not to openly gape at it. The Dark Marks are vile and disgusting, and nothing could ever change that.

Evan squeezes my arm and I force a smile. "That's great," I say, my throat all of a sudden dry.

Evan dips his head. "Well, it was nice seeing you. Mother and father are probably waiting with some high-status family that she'd want us to meet."

"Yes, you do that," Renee says, a smile on her face.

Evan leads me away from them, and my own forced smile falls immediately. Still, I try to keep a pleasant expression on my face.

"Evan, dear, we're starting the music," Heather calls. People begin lining around the walls, creating a large space for the ballroom. My stomach drops.

"We're- we're not the ones dancing, are we?" I stammer, palms already beginning to sweat.

"Only for the first half of the dance," he assures me.

"Oh, god."

"Come on, Evan, Arabelle."

Evan holds out his hand and I reluctantly take it. "Focus on me. You know how to dance."

He leads me to the center and we begin the first half, twisting and turning and holding on to each other. It lasts for only a minute or so, but it feels longer.

When the dance is finished, we share a smile and he leads me away from everyone's gaze. I don't like being in the spotlight, and now is no exception.

For the rest of the ball, we talk among ourselves and of course some acquaintances. Heather and Pierre wanted to have me meet a few families, despite my meek excuses.

Even though the majority of people in this room are Death Eaters, I find myself having a good time. Sure, they're all cruel murderers that are unable to make decisions for themselves before the get killed by their darling, but it doesn't bother me too much.

I just came here to have fun with Evan.

Afterwards, he takes me home, plants a gentle kiss on my lips, and leaves with his parents.

~ * ~ *
Published 7-12-20

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