1 | 8 | You Picked the Wrong One, You Noodle

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Please don't ask about the title. I couldn't think of one.

Also, the picture is a drawing of Blair. I'll probably redo it (it kinda sucks).
~ * ~ *
Tuesday, February 29

My friends and I are sitting outside by the lake.

Severus is talking to Blair about Lily (surprise, surprise), and Cassia and Cynthia are playing chess near me. I'm curled up against a tree with a book in my hands.

"You have to go easy on me," Cynthia teases.

"Why would I do that?" Cassia replies, voice high.

Cynthia scowls. "You're older than me."

"By a year. Grow up." I hear the scratching of the board as Cassia moves. "Checkmate."

"You've played this longer than I."

"Then practice."

I hate listening to them squabble. "Both of you, cut it out."

They stare at me, and Cassia talks first. "I'm two years older than you. Mind your manners."

I roll my eyes at her.

After a while, Severus and Blair announce that they're leaving and I offer to go with them. We head to the library, away from Cassia and Cynthia. I recall Blair's sudden distance from Cassia this morning.

"Hey, what happened to you and Cass?" I ask, genuinely curious.

She groans and Severus frowns. "She let her rat into my bed when I was sleeping. I almost had a heart attack when I woke up. Doesn't help she was laughing her arse off, too."

I wince. "Are you talking about Cicely?"

"It has a name?" Severus asks. We chuckle at his remark.

I nod. "Cassia talks so fondly about it. Gets annoying after a while. I'm sorry she did that."

"Hey," Blair says, putting her hand on my shoulder. "It's Cassia. The only thing you have to be sorry for is getting her into our friend group."

I frown at this, even if it is a joke. I don't normally attract friends. Cassia just sort of invited herself in after helping me get back at Amanda. I did appreciate the help though.

And her brother is Galloran Greengrass.

Speak of the devil. While we walk to the library, I catch sight of Galloran. He sends a friendly wave my way and I return it with a smile. "Oh, that's why you tolerate her so much." I barely hear Blair's remark.

"She's not that bad," I murmur, still looking at Galloran's retreating body.

Severus and Blair share a look. "She's completely infatuated," Severus says with a look of disappointment.


"You always look at him with that look," Blair adds and giggles. "He's so much older."

"Cassia told me she would get with Abraham Flint if she had the choice," I reply, not really focused on what I am saying.

"Flint?!" Blair and Severus burst out. They have a sharp laugh. I turn back to them, confused. Blair notices my look and continues. "He is so obnoxious. Cassia loves the look, I'm sure. But he's 17 and she's 13! No way."

I shake my head. "She says age doesn't matter when you have to marry into a rich family, I think."

Blair tilts her head. "I suppose that makes sense. Still, there's no way I would get with Flint. I have standards."

Severus nods supportingly. I see a few of his "friends" enter the library. What are those dunderheads doing here? Can they actually read? Rupert Wilkes, Avery, Mulciber, and Evan come in.

I immediately look down to my book when Evan walks in. "Hey, Snape, are you hanging out with your girlfriend?" Wilkes asks with a laugh. "Come on, Slughorn wants us."

"Oh." Severus looks back at us with an apologetic look. "Alright. See you later." He gets up to go with his Death Eater buddies.

I look up and catch the eyes of Evan Rosier. Giving him a hard stare, I wait until he finally turns and leaves with his friends. Sighing, I continue reading until Blair pokes my side.

"Hey, what was that?"


"You and Rosier?"

I fake vomit on the table. "As if! Not with that Death Eater in a million years."

Her eyes soften. "You should really think about it. Evan's not so bad."

"I already made up my mind," I snap.

She stands up shortly after that. "I'm heading to the dungeons. Don't stay up too late."

~ * ~ *
I keep thinking about what Blair said about Evan.

Could she be right? Maybe he isn't so bad after all. Still, I don't know how well I could handle someone like him. He's proud, a liar, and a Death Eater. I can't be friends with that.

And yet, that's the same excuse I give myself every time I think about it. Pathetic, really. I just don't have a good reason for not liking him. Is it because of the ring?

Surely not. That was a beautiful ring and a sweet gift. I still like it, but it has got to mean something besides friendship. I won't wear it.

I ponder about it a lot, but by the end of the year, I don't have an answer. Maybe we could have been friends in another timeline, but right now, there's no way.

~ * ~ *
Published 5-21-20

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