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Sadie woke up with Niall's arm wrapped around her waist and her head snuggled beneath his neck. Although she thought her initial reaction would be to fling Niall off of her and tell him off for not abiding by the pillow barrier, she stayed completely still.

There was something about lying in Niall's arms that felt rather calming, like she didn't have to worry about what was coming next. Or maybe Sadie was only feeling like this because she woke up with a pounding head and a swirling stomach- neither of which was ideal for her meeting with the Thompsons this afternoon.

The Thompsons. Sadie suddenly remembered that Will would be calling her with information about the meeting, which hopefully had been rescheduled. She only hoped that ringing of the telephone at some point this morning wouldn't worsen her headache.

Sadie feels Niall stir behind her, and she closed her eyes quickly to avoid being caught as a willing participant in this spooning position. "Shit," she heard Niall's voice mutter as he awoke, likely observing their positioning on the bed and worrying for his safety.

She tried to hold in the giggle that was building, but soon it escapes her lips fully audible for Niall to hear.

"You're awake?" Niall asked with confusion, removing his hand from Sadie's waist. She felt the cold air replace Niall's warm body, and a part of her longed for the return of his touch.

"Just woke up," Sadie murmured, turning to meet Niall's face. His face was tired, his hair even more wild than last night, and his eyes were slightly surrounded by bags. Unlike his usual tough professional appearance, he looked soft and warm.

"What?" Sadie asked, when she realized that Niall had been staring at her as much as she'd been staring at him. She figured she really looked like a mess, because judging by the mascara stains on her white pillowcase, racoon eyes were highly probable.

"You look so different in the morning," Niall said softly.

"You mean I look like shit," Sadie raised an eyebrow.

"No, I mean more relaxed, less put together. But equally beautiful." Niall seemed to realize what he said as his cheeks began to turn red. "Sorry I don't know why I said that, hangover brain talking."

Sadie pushed it aside, but she couldn't help but feel a flutter in her just thinking that Niall had called her beautiful. But before she has a chance to respond the phone rings, and Will's on the other end.

"I hope you had a good night," he asked.

"We did," Sadie nodded, clutching her head a little at the loud volume of the receiver.

"Well, I got the meeting moved to this afternoon, and judging by the news it looks like the road has cleared up quite a bit. You two should have plenty of time to get there."

"Thanks Will, I really appreciate it," Sadie responded.

"No problem. Oh and Sadie," Will interjected right as Sadie was about to hang up. "Aspirin is your friend."

"Meeting still on?" Niall asks as Sadie hangs up on the phone.

"This afternoon," she replied. "Will says the blizzard has cleared up so we shouldn't have any problems.

"Shame, I was thinking we could do a reprise of our karaoke last night," Niall smiled and Sadie laughed.

"I think that both of us would much rather finalize this deal with the Thompsons don't you think," she replied, grabbing her suitcase and searching for a new pant suit to wear. This little detour had been more fun than she thought, but she had to remember the real reason she was here. To get her promotion.


After an afternoon of negotiation, lots of water, and a few aspirin, Sadie sealed the deal with the Thompsons and the two headed back to Chicago and their regular working lives. Unlike the first few hours of their journey together, Sadie found that the conversation between the two flowed easily. Niall wasn't quite the man she had first thought him to be, and Sadie most definitely not who Niall thought she was.

Sadie couldn't explain the feeling in the pit of her stomach when she gazed at Niall from the passenger seat. There was something about him that she couldn't put her finger on, and though the alcohol may have long left her system, there was a part of her that thought maybe Niall got her, in a way no guy had ever gotten her before.

Sadie felt a twinge of disappointment when the two pulled up to the office building, nightfall surrounding them. Niall placed the car in park and they sat in silence for a moment, neither knowing just what to say.

"Can't believe we survived that trip," Niall laughed. "Really thought you were going to kill me there in the beginning."

"Surprised I didn't," Sadie responded with a grin. "It was fun though. I had fun."

"Me too," Niall said quietly. Sadie felt his eyes drop from her own down to her lips, and she subconsciously brought herself closer to Niall. Then suddenly, Niall's lips are on her own. She didn't pull away, instead letting the electricity flow through her body as his hands met the nape of her neck, intertwining in her blonde hair.

Niall pulled away suddenly. "Sorry, don't know why I did that."

Sadie set her hand on top of Niall's giving him a reassuring squeeze. A few days ago she would have screamed at him for thinking he even had a chance with her, but now. Well now all she wanted was for him to do that again.

Niall cleared his throat. "Umm, Sadie would you maybe," his eyes shifted to the ground, as if he was afraid making eye contact might make the situation more awkward. "Would you maybe like to go get dinner sometime?"

"Like a date?" Sadie asked intrigued. "I thought Niall Horan doesn't date."

"Maybe I'd make an exception," he replied.

"Okay," Sadie smiled. "But on one condition."

"What's that?"

"You understand that my work always comes first."

"Already in my list of terms and conditions darling," Niall smiled before pulling Sadie in for another kiss.

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