50. Under Influence

Start from the beginning


The deafening sound of a gunshot echoed through the hallway, and the weapon in my hand flew away. A silhouette appeared through the smokescreen. It was Alex, dragging along the body of another man.

While I was distracted, Kaidon pushed himself up, jerking me back on the floor and then grabbed my wrists and locked my hands above my head.

"What's going on!" Alex yelled as he threw the body against the wall. It was the same guy from the club downstairs, Russo. He was knocked out.

"Gilaan, he did this to her."

Did what to me?

I struggled out of his hold and then decided to use my powers on him. And I chose the worst option. He sat back on the floor, his hand covering his widened eyes, his body shivering.

I made him see his worst fear that he was the one responsible for Alice's death.

I grabbed the second blade to strike him, but Alex caught hold of me and pushed me against the wall.

Something happened. It felt like a current passed out of my body to the ground. I felt like I had let go of a burden, that my willpower and consciousness was back to me. I could think clearer, and that was when realisation hit me, and I slid down on the ground.

I killed people today. I have never done that before.

Sey warned me about this.

Kaidon snapped out of the illusion I created, and his eyes landed on Russo, who slowly started gaining his senses. He leapt towards his limp figure and caught him by his shirt collar and raised him up.

"Your men killed Alice. Tell me where that son of a bastard, Gilaan is."

"I-I don't know."

"Lies." He grabbed him by his throat. I watched in disbelief as he raised his feet above the ground. He started choking and clasped his hands around Kaidon's wrists, trying to break free.

"Give me an answer I'll like if you want to live."

This was the first time I saw the fierce assassin that everyone feared, The Black Wolf. Sey told me he changed for the worse after his woman died, but I never saw him in action like this. He pulled out the gun from the holster with his other hand and pushed the barrel into his mouth.

He's really going to kill him!

"Ariel...?" Alex gave me a confused look, and I jumped up towards Kaidon and grabbed his arms.

"No! Please!" I begged. I have killed enough people today. I can't bear to see another death. "Please don't kill him."

"Get the fuck off me, woman, or you'll be next!" he glared at me, and I hesitated. He shook off my hands easily, and I stepped back. Tears blinded my vision, but I wanted to save him. So I decided to try again.

"Let go!" he howled and struggled against my hands. Meanwhile, Russo got the chance to land back on his feet. He escaped his hold and ran ahead. Alex followed suit, but just then a bullet pierced through the smoke and hit him at the back of his head. He fell down instantly with blood splattered around on the floor. Alex ran in the direction the hit came from while we watched in awe.

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